By Rick Grooters
Resource Conservation Technician
Whether we live in town or on a farm, everyone should be concerned about the welfare of our trees. We may be inclined to take our trees for granted. Trees are major contributors to our quality of life. Our trees combat global warming by taking in carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen back into the atmosphere. Trees reduce air and noise pollution while adding beauty and dignity to our surroundings.
Cost share money is available to assist landowners in the establishment of a farmstead windbreak. A windbreak consists of three to eight rows of both conifers and deciduous trees which are spaced at 16 to 24 feet apart. A well-designed windbreak not only slows the wind and provides snow control, but also conserves energy of livestock along with providing habitat for wildlife.
The SWCD has an excellent selection of trees for all your planting needs no matter where you live. If you are interested in purchasing trees or would like some general information about trees or our windbreak cost share program, please give us a call at (507) 765-3878, ext. 3 or stop by our office in Preston.
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