By Katherine Holbrook
Houston, MN
When Donald Trump first spoke of displacing Palestinians, my very first thought was of the Ben Gurion Canal project and that this must undoubtedly be the reason his administration was not stopped earlier in the campaign against so many odds. Donald Trump has a following, but there must other forces at work for so many legislatures to turn their heads and billionaires to fund the cleared path to his presidency.
Hearing him speak on the situation in Gaza, I am certain that reason is because he has cultivated his standing as the frontman who will get the Ben Gurion Canal built after so many failed attempts over so many years.
Flanked by our country’s wealthiest billionaires and I see how he will fund it. He will allow commerce to govern the Gaza Strip and essentially launder political power through the guise of real estate and development.
An alternative route to the Suez Canal will provide economic and political benefits many billionaires and world leaders alike have a mutual interest in and have for many years.
Avoiding interaction with Jordan and Egypt to transport commerce and military cargo will afford Israel, The United States and other Global Superpowers monopolize trade and intimidate sovereign nations without any accountability to treatise and agreements set forth by the established alliances which Egypt has consistently enforced in the past causing the rogue U.S. operations much inconvenience.
Personally, I am very concerned about this. Personally, I think Donald Trump may have become the chosen to do what other politicians cannot, and it would really be an another terrible crime to unlawfully displace thousands of people to promote the structure of world domination which will only lead to destruction in the end.
Some have asked how shall we fund the forcible removal of people from their homeland? However, to me, seeing Donald Trump with his billionaire company at inauguration and early presidency shows the easy answer. The funding has already been arranged. Through real estate takeovers coupled with military takeovers, the Gaza Strip will be clear of any obstacles to the building and operating of the Ben Gurion Canal and after all vulnerable peoples in Gaza have been taken away the Ben Gurion Canal Project will then be sold to public as a great idea to put this “wasteland” to good economic use and create peaceful trade agreements. Who will argue then?
I believe there is no need to fear the American taxpayer will pay for it. Donald Trump knows we don’t have that kind of money and it will damage his popularity. I believe all he requires of the American people is for them to continue believing his lies and be the financial fodder and labor for his corporate allies by simultaneously working in our capitalist system and consuming the products/services they sell us so they can continue to fund his political agenda which in turn support theirs: exploiting the people of Gaza, and eventually all vulnerable populations, to attain global economic and political power.
The original Ben Gurion Canal was designed to skirt north of Gaza, but the alternative routes are more attractive to world leaders because they are much less costly and they run right through the exact location of the very diminished Palestinian homeland which Israel has slowly degraded for decades.
It is my belief the hidden motives for Donald Trump’s interest in Gaza are even worse than the one he is peddling currently. I ask anyone who is not familiar with the Ben Gurion Canal Project to please research it.
It is my hope we will one day, as a nation, focus on efforts of reparations and abandon these plans for more colonization such as this.
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