The bell in the old wooden tower rings
Whether happy or sad news that it sings
To gather so many from far and near
It tells of things we all need to hear
Terror and violence is everywhere now
The hate in the world seems to have taken a vow
It doesn’t matter what sex, race, or creed
The anger in many makes for horrible deeds
Why can’t we live in a world without fear
And be able to hold our loved ones so dear
Truth that all humans are one in the same
Black, white, or brown all in God’s name
Help our neighbors to love each other this day
Show the little ones
fighting is not the way
I pray for peace during these turbulent times
A ray of sun on each face to shine
I cannot do it alone as a world it will take
To bring us together for the next generations’ sake
Show some compassion and a helping hand
Amazing things can happen with just a grain of sand
So as the bell in the old tower does toll
Help us take back what is deep in our soul
Kindness to others and faith that is strong
Help us to fix this world and right what is wrong
By Kathy Hawkins
Chatfield, MN
Kathy says
What a wonderful poem! Thank you for sharing.