Radon gas is found in over half of Fillmore County homes. Radon gas can cause lung cancer. The only way to know if you have radon is to test your home. To obtain a free kit stop by one of the sites below or contact Fillmore County Public Health at (507) 765-2636. • Monday, April 17, 2017, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Lanesboro Community Center – Lower Level, 202 Parkway Avenue … [Read more...]
Permit to Carry before, during and after a weapons incident presentation to be held April 13
In 2016, the Fillmore County Sheriff issued 345 permits to carry and renewed 48 permits to carry. In 2015, it was 209 permits to carry and 45 renewals. In 2014, it was 131 permits to carry and 34 renewals. With the continual growing number of permits to carry in Fillmore County, Sheriff Tom Kaase would like to better educate our citizens on what to do if you’re involved in an … [Read more...]
County discusses courthouse security
Sheriff Tom Kaase asked the board to support a grant application to help pay for courthouse security at the board’s April 3 meeting. Commissioner Marc Prestby was absent. It is written in the grant application for state funds that the “Fillmore County Courthouse complex has very limited security.” The grant if awarded could help fund for the first year a dedicated courthouse … [Read more...]
World Water Day is March 22: Why waste water?
Submitted by the Fillmore SWCD in celebration of our 75th Anniversary The United Nations (UN) has designated the 22nd of March each year as World Water Day. The 2017 theme is “Why Waste Water?” which is about reducing and reusing wastewater. All of us have learned about the water cycle, so we know that water is recycled over and over again. All the water that was on … [Read more...]
Icy winter requires additional salt
County Engineer Ron Gregg reported at the February 7 county board meeting that more road salt has been ordered at the state price. The county is low on salt and sand due to icy conditions this season. However, it is not uncommon to run low on salt requiring a February purchase. The 500 ton order will cost $37,000. Gregg said all of the county shops have been depleted. Funds … [Read more...]
County updated on buffer law implementation
At the January 24 county board meeting, Rick Grooters and Ann Koliha, Fillmore County Soil and Water Conservation District, discussed buffer law compliance progress. Grooters stated that the Minnesota Buffer Law that was signed into law by Governor Dayton in June of 2015 has created a lot of controversy. The intention of the law is to protect water resources from erosion and … [Read more...]
Semcac helping people in Fillmore County
At the January 10 Fillmore County board meeting, Wayne Stenberg, Semcac executive director, reported on the non-profit organization’s efforts to help people “achieve their goals of self-reliance and independence.” Semcac offers over 25 programs from transportation, to Head Start, to Senior Dining, to energy assistance and weatherization, to family planning to name just a … [Read more...]
County Commissioners annual meeting
The first orders of business at the county board’s January 3 meeting were the election of officers and the oath of office for commissioners elected last November. County Coordinator Bobbie Vickerman called the meeting to order. Randy Dahl was elected chairman and Mitch Lentz was elected vice-chairman. Newly elected Gary Peterson (third district) and reelected Mitch Lentz … [Read more...]
County year-end business
At the December 20 board meeting, the last of 2016, the board approved a five year contract with Harter’s Quick Clean Up for solid waste hauling and recycling. Terry Schultz, Building Maintenance Supervisor/Solid Waste Administrator reviewed two proposals which had been submitted. Harter’s services will cost $504,746.15, which is about $145 higher than the proposal submitted … [Read more...]
Legislators listen to county’s wish list
Rep. Greg Davids and Senator Jeremy Miller visited the county board at the December 13 meeting to hear the county’s legislative priorities for 2017. County coordinator Bobbie Vickerman explained that each year the county and the Association of Minnesota Counties (AMC) draft a list of legislative priorities. The top priority for the county and the AMC is once again County … [Read more...]
County Truth in Taxation hearing
The annual Truth in Taxation public hearing was held on December 13. County coordinator Bobbie Vickerman presented an overview of 2016 and took a look into 2017. During 2016, the county has been active in efforts to get the formula for County Program Aid revised by state. County aid was increased in 2016, but like many rural counties, Fillmore County has seen reductions in CPA … [Read more...]
Flu vaccine available
Give yourself and your family the gift of health this winter by getting a flu shot. Fillmore County Public Health is offering flu vaccinations on November 23 from 1-4 p.m. at their office located at 902 Houston Street NW, Suite 2, Preston, Minn. The cost of the flu vaccination is $30.00 each. Adults with Medicare Part B and/or Medicare Advantage Plans and both adults and … [Read more...]
County discusses key employee positions
At the November 8 meeting of the County Board, possible structural adjustments for a couple of key employees were discussed. Jessica Erickson, Director of Nursing, had submitted her resignation, which was accepted at the October 25 meeting. She resigned to maintain family life balance. County Coordinator Bobbie Vickerman said Erickson was willing to do the work of the … [Read more...]
Maintenance Supervisor Schultz to head solid waste department
Restructuring of the Solid Waste Department following the retirement of solid waste administrator Jon Martin took a step forward at the county board’s November 1 meeting. County Engineer Ron Gregg had considered taking over as department head of Solid Waste, but declined to take on the additional responsibility for the pay offered. Building maintenance supervisor Terry … [Read more...]
County to contract with Waste Management
By Karen Reisner Solid Waste Administrator Jon Martin reported at the county board’s October 25 meeting that the county has received two proposals for waste and recycling services. Waste Management and Harter’s Quick Clean-up offered their rates for landfill and recycling services. While there would be significant savings with Harter’s for landfill services, WM had … [Read more...]