Heidi Jones has announced she will run to fill the vacant seat as the Fillmore County Auditor/Treasurer at the November election. Heidi has lived in the area her entire life, graduating from Kingsland High School in 1995. For the last 12 years she has been a resident in the City of Ostrander, where she is serving her second term as an elected city council member and serves … [Read more...]
County moves forward with office building remodel
At the February 13 meeting of the county board, plans for a remodel of the Fillmore County office building were approved. County Coordinator Bobbie Vickerman explained a remodel has been a topic of discussion for almost two years. A plan to have one front desk for both social services and public health has been put off because of the significant cost. Jessica Erickson, … [Read more...]
County reports its legislative priorities
Rep. Greg Davids and Senator Jeremy Miller were at the February 6 county board meeting to hear the county’s legislative priorities for the 2018 legislative session. County Coordinator Bobbie Vickerman thanked legislators for 2017 legislation that stabilized and added funding for county program aid. Fillmore County’s CPA increased by $90,000. The county noted its opposition … [Read more...]
Fillmore County solid waste administrator settling into his new job
“I wanted something more than a straight desk job,” Solid Waste Administrator Drew Hatzenbihler said. “I wanted to be active outside too.” He found what he was looking for in his position of Solid Waste Administrator at the Fillmore County Resource Recovery Center. Hatzenbihler began his new job at the center in the summer of 2017. At that time, the position was merged with … [Read more...]
Compromise moves land acquisition forward
Mike Tenney, DNR, and Robert McGillvray, The Trust for Public Land, faced commissioners at their January 23 meeting to ask them for a third time to consider a land acquisition of 337 acres from the Larson Family Trust. The land is to be added to the Choice Wildlife Management Area. It straddles Norway and Preble Townships. Tenney said we now propose to single out about 42 … [Read more...]
County’s annual housekeeping
Commissioners worked through a list of annual resolutions at their first meeting in 2018. County Coordinator Bobbie Vickerman opened the January 2 meeting. Mitch Lentz was elected chairman and Duane Bakke was elected vice-chairman. Vickerman had been sworn in earlier this day by Judge Matthew Opat as the acting auditor/treasurer for 2018. An auditor/treasurer will be elected … [Read more...]
County approves 4.76% levy increase
At the December 19 County Board meeting, last of 2017, the 2018 Fillmore County budget and levy were certified. Due to insurance savings of $40,275, the preliminary levy increase of 5.16% approved in September was reduced to a 4.76% increase. The insurance savings were realized when employees were given the option for plans that didn’t include Mayo Clinic. County Program Aid … [Read more...]
Additional haul routes requested for Rein Sand Pit
Larry Thompson and his son Lance, operators of the Rein Sand Pit (now Highland Sand), have requested approval for additional industrial sand haul routes. The public hearing attracted a crowd of concerned citizens to the December 7 Fillmore County Planning Commission. Thompson wants the additional hauling routes approved to allow sand to be hauled to potential buyers. A … [Read more...]
County hears salary requests and another request to support a land acquisition
At the December 12 meeting of the county board elected official salary requests and another request for support of a land acquisition to be donated to the DNR were discussed. Michael Tenney, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, asked the board to support the purchase of 92.8 acres, located in sections 1 and 12, in the city of Rushford Village. The Minnesota Deer Hunters … [Read more...]
County evaluates its performance, discusses 2018 budget
County Coordinator Bobbie Vickerman reviewed 2017 progress and discussed goals for 2018 at its Truth in Taxation meeting held in the evening on December 12. Some highlights in 2017 include participation in the effort to achieve County Program Aid (CPA) reform. This legislation resulted in a formula change which reduces the volatility of CPA from year to year. Fillmore County … [Read more...]
Mail-in only balloting option to be used by some areas of Fillmore County
Some cities/townships may choose the option of mail-in only balloting for local, state, and federal elections. The option is only available to those precincts with less than 400 registered voters. The use of mail-in only ballots is authorized by Minnesota Statute 204B.45. The cities of Whalan, Canton and Fountain, and Newburg Township are planning to use the mail-in only … [Read more...]
Motion for land acquisition fails
An effort to get county support for the purchase of the Ione Larson farm to add to the Choice Wildlife Management Area again failed at the November 28 county board meeting. Mike Tenny, Department of Natural Resources, and Robert McGillivray, Trust for Public Land (non-profit conservation organization) had requested the resolution of support at an October 3 meeting. At that … [Read more...]
Significant broadband expansion grants secured for Fillmore County
ST. PAUL, MN, November 22, 2017– Two communications and internet service providers in Fillmore County are set to receive funding for broadband expansion, thanks to a new round of grants announced as part of the state’s Border to Border Broadband program. The grants were made possible after the 2017 Minnesota legislature approved a Jobs and Economic Growth bill which included … [Read more...]
County moves forward on major road project
The reconstruction of County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 1 has been a major road project for the county. At the November 14 county board meeting, approval was given to advertise for the concrete surfacing of CSAH 1 from north of Spring Valley city limits north to the county line. County Engineer Ron Gregg said the advertisement will include a relatively short portion in Olmsted … [Read more...]
Fillmore County enters second year with CWD management
Deer Management Area 603, formerly identified as Permit Area 348 in Fillmore County, is entering the second year of management for Chronic Wasting Disease and there doesn’t seem to be a clear indication of how it’s progressing. November 2016, the first positive infection in a wild deer was discovered near Preston. It led to an intensive DNR management plan and reclassification … [Read more...]