COUNTY PROJECTS BIDS CLOSE JULY 6, 2020 FILLMORE COUNTY, MN NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be accepted by the County Engineer, at the Fillmore County Highway Department, Preston, MN until 1:30 p.m. on the 6th day of July, 2020, for the following project: SAP 023-634-005: Centerline Culvert Replacement, Subgrade Excavation, Aggregate … [Read more...]
Interim county assessor’s final report
Winona County’s Assessor Stephen Hacken served as an interim assessor for Fillmore County for four months. A letter he sent to the Fillmore Board of Commissioners was reviewed at the board’s June 6 meeting. He began by thanking the board and employees for their support during this time. Hacken used his time with Fillmore County to help the department’s staff and to add … [Read more...]
Fillmore County Fair canceled for 2020
We, the Fillmore County Ag Society, were hoping to not have to make this announcement, but after careful consideration and consultations with the county, state and other organizations regarding the health and safety of everyone in our community, visitors, volunteers, exhibitors, our long time fair partners and supporters, it is with heavy hearts that we have made the difficult … [Read more...]
Fillmore and Houston County Police Reports
Fillmore County Sheriff’s Office Dallas Steven Jones, 18, Spring Valley, Minn.; 5/3/2020, Minor Consumption of Alcohol, Fine $100, Total Fees $190. 5/3/2020, Possess Alcohol Under 21, Fine $100. Brittany Louise McHan, 28, Grand Meadow, Minn.; 8/25/2019, Criminal Vehicular Operation - Bodily Harm - Gross Negligence (Gross Misdemeanor), Fine $3,000 (stay $2,500 until … [Read more...]
Fillmore County Board of Commissioners Summary of Minutes, 5-12-20
Summary of Minutes, 5-12-20 Fillmore County Board of Commissioners met in special session, Courthouse, Preston. Present: All members, Administrator/Clerk, other staff, citizens, and the press. Board approved: •Minutes 05-05-2020 •Commissioners’ Warrants, total: $52,382.04 • Finance Warrants, total: $253,503.04 Highway: •RESOLUTION 2020-017: Carimona Township Bridge … [Read more...]
Public access to Fillmore County facilities as of June 1
The Fillmore County Board met on May 26 via WebEx. COVID-19 issues were attached to almost every item on the agenda. A third extension of the county’s State of Emergency for continuing operations regarding the coronavirus was approved unanimously, extending the declaration to June 23. Public access to county facilities will be allowed as of June 1. Safety precautions will … [Read more...]
Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) services available during COVID
At Fillmore County, the health and well-being of our clients and community is top priority. Fillmore County WIC is currently providing nutrition education and benefits by phone or video appointment. If your economic situation or job status has changed, check the Minnesota WIC website for eligibility information. WIC is a nutrition and breastfeeding program that helps … [Read more...]
Fillmore and Houston County Police Reports
Hokah Police Department Glenn Richard Strand, 58, Caledonia, Minn.; 4/27/2020, Follow Too Close (At a Reasonable Distance), Fine $50, Total Fees $125. 4/27/2020, Passing in a No Passing Zone, Fine $50. Houston County Sheriff’s Office Donald Jerome Garness, 74, Mabel, Minn.; 5/2/2020, Burning Permits - Fail to Have Burning Permit on Person, Fine $25, Total Fees … [Read more...]
Fillmore County Summary of Minutes 05-05-2020
SUMMARY OF MINUTES 5-5-20 Fillmore County Board of Commissioners met in special session, Courthouse, Preston. Present: All members, Administrator/Clerk, other staff, citizens, and the press. Board approved: •Minutes 04-28-2020 •Commissioners’ Warrants, total: $19,329.18 •Finance Warrants, total: $4,923.56 Maintenance: •Purchase replacement carpet extractor, lowest bid … [Read more...]
Fillmore County Bid Projects
COUNTY PROJECTS BIDS CLOSE JUNE 1, 2020 FILLMORE COUNTY, MN NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be accepted by the County Engineer, at the Fillmore County Highway Department, Preston, MN until 1:30 p.m. on the 1st day of June, 2020, for the following project: SAP 023-605-038: New Bridge 23601 on grade with approach grading, located on CSAH … [Read more...]
Fillmore and Houston County Police Reports
Caledonia Police Department Edward W. Bathrick, 62, Caledonia, Minn.; 3/11/2020, Failure to Obtain New Driver’s License After Changing Name or Address, Fine $20, Total Fees $95. Georgene Lois Davy, 66, Caledonia, Minn.; 2/8/2020, DWI - Operate Motor Vehicle - Alcohol Concentration 0.08 Within Two Hours, Fine $3,000 (stay $2,600), Total Fees $500. Local Confinement - 365 … [Read more...]
Fillmore County makes plans to adapt
At the May 12 meeting of the County Board held via WebEx, County Administrator Bobbie Hillery reviewed reopening plans to keep staff and the public safe during this time of uncertainty. The board unanimously supported sending a letter, which will be signed by chairman Marc Prestby, to area legislators Rep. Greg Davids and Senator Jeremy Miller. The letter asks legislators to … [Read more...]
Fillmore County Notice of Offices
Fillmore County Summary of Minutes – 4/28/20
Summary of Minutes, 4-28-20 Fillmore County Board of Commissioners met in special session, Courthouse, Preston. Present: All members, Administrator/Clerk, other staff, citizens, and the press. Board approved: • Minutes 04-14-2020 • Renewal of Liquor Licensee for BreDun LLC dba Old Barn Resort & Golf Course • Commissioners’ Warrants, total: $181,686.76 • Finance … [Read more...]
Notice of Hearing for a Variance Permit – Brian Carpenter
NOTICE OF HEARING FOR A VARIANCE PERMIT FILLMORE COUNTY ZONING REGULATIONS BRIAN CARPENTER Notice is hereby given that the Fillmore County Board of Adjustment has been presented an application from Brian Carpenter of 24476 Orchard Road, Spring Valley, MN 55975 for an 18 foot Variance from the setback to the centerline of the road, to construct a storage shed on his … [Read more...]