By Sgt. Troy Christianson Minnesota State Patrol Question: I recently purchased a trailer that requires yearly tabs. I’m worried the plate will get damaged if I mount it to the manufacturers bracket. I have noticed over the years that owners of some trailers have mounted their trailer plates on the fender well in a vertical position and not horizontal so it can be read … [Read more...]
Ask a Trooper
By Sgt. Troy Christianson Minnesota State Patrol Question: The other day at an intersection I noticed a car with the windows so frosted up that the driver had to roll down a window to check for cars coming from my side. What is the law on frosted windows? When I received this question my initial thoughts were of a fatal pedestrian crash that I had been called to. I was … [Read more...]
Ask a Trooper
Question: What items should I have in my vehicle during this extreme cold weather? What is the proper procedure if I become stranded and/or go off the road? Answer: With the recent below zero temperatures, being prepared with an emergency kit and plan can save your life. We recommend the following items be in your vehicle, especially in the winter: • Bag of abrasive … [Read more...]
Ask a Trooper
Question: If the results of a PBT reading cannot be used against a DWI suspect in court, why is a suspect charged with refusing PBT if that’s what they choose? Answer: Under state law, a preliminary breath test (PBT) is authorized when a law enforcement officer has reason to believe that a person has violated DWI laws. There are certain situations where the PBT can and will … [Read more...]
Ask a Trooper
Question: I was told that motorists have to yield to a city bus when it enters the road from a bus stop, is this true? Answer: There is a state law that says that a driver of a vehicle traveling in the right-hand lane of traffic shall yield the right-of-way to any transit bus attempting to enter that lane from a bus stop or shoulder, as indicated by a flashing left turn … [Read more...]
Ask a Trooper
Question: Are orange signs supposed to be advisory or warning signs? Can you get a ticket for going the speed of the white sign when there is also some orange signs posted? I’ve seen some construction zones with white and orange signs posted 55 mph and then some orange signs with 35 mph speed signs. What is the legal speed limit? Answer: The white speed limit signs are the … [Read more...]
Ask a Trooper
Question: How do you determine if your tires are unsafe? Answer: Tire talk is important anytime of the year, but as winter approaches it is important to double your efforts when maintaining your tires. Over the years, I have investigated numerous crashes where worn tires were a contributing factor. Tires with inadequate tread depth may cause your vehicle to skid or slide … [Read more...]
Ask a Trooper
Question: Can a person legally drive with a neck brace on in Minnesota? It would limit the ability to turn your head side to side or up or down. I’m trying to get facts before I let my family member drive. Answer: Permanent lack of neck mobility would require a restriction placed on the license that states they can legally drive if there is an “outside rearview mirror.” A … [Read more...]
Ask a Trooper
Question: Is it legal for local police or State Patrol to make regular traffic stops with an unmarked vehicle (no markings at all) or does the vehicle have to be a certain color or have some kind of markings? Answer: You might be aware of some posts on social media that say, according to state law, that unmarked squad cars are illegal and State Patrol squad cars must be … [Read more...]
Ask a Trooper
By Sgt. Troy Christianson Minnesota State Patrol Question: Can my child use a bicycle helmet when he is a passenger in my side by side or ATV? Answer: In Minnesota, any class 1 or 2 ATV operator or passengers under the age of 18 must wear an approved helmet when riding on public lands or waters, or a public road right-of-way. You are required to wear a seat belt if … [Read more...]
Ask a Trooper
Question: I noticed several freshly killed deer on the side of the highway yesterday. What are the traffic related requirements when someone collides with a deer, and what are the game related requirements with killing a deer? Is it legal to take the deer home? Answer: If you are involved in a vehicle vs. deer/large animal crash, call 911 to report if there are occupant … [Read more...]
Ask a Trooper
Question: When I learned to drive 50 years ago, my driver’s ed teacher instructed me to pull into the intersection on a green light, even when there was oncoming traffic, to attempt to make a left turn. I still practice this, green arrows or not. I actually asked a driver’s test person at the DMV office about this and was told I am correct, you are supposed to pull into the … [Read more...]
Ask a Trooper
Question: The clerk at a local gas station recently asked me if it is illegal not have a front plate on a vehicle. He stated he can’t allow someone to pump gas without paying first if he is unable to read the license plate. He told me that many people have told him a front plate is not required in Minnesota. Answer: Minnesota State Statute (M.S.S.) 169.79 states: “No … [Read more...]
Ask a Trooper
By Sgt. Troy Christianson Minnesota State Patrol Question: Both my daughter and I have a disability. I have the handicap license plates on my car and she only has a placard. When she drives my car, does she have to use her placard to park? Answer: The registered license plates are designed for you to be able to park that vehicle in a disabled/handicap parking location. If … [Read more...]
Ask a Trooper
Question: I know that Minnesota has made a lot of progress for traffic safety and less people are dying on our roads but what are other states doing? Answer: The first time in nearly a decade, preliminary data from the National Safety Council estimates that as many as 40,000 people died in motor vehicle crashes in 2016 across the United States. That’s a 6% increase over 2015 … [Read more...]