In the past five years, officers reported snowy or icy road conditions in more than 79,569 crashes (2014-2018). These crashes resulted in 214 traffic deaths and 20,761 injuries. During the winter, it’s important to drive at safe speeds according to road conditions, and give yourself plenty of travel time. State law requires the use of headlights when precipitation is … [Read more...]
Ask a Trooper
In the past five years, officers reported snowy or icy road conditions in more than 79,569 crashes (2014-2018). These crashes resulted in 214 traffic deaths and 20,761 injuries. During the winter, it’s important to drive at safe speeds according to road conditions, and give yourself plenty of travel time. State law requires the use of headlights when precipitation is … [Read more...]
Ask a Trooper
Question: Now that Minnesota’s hands-free law is in effect it seems there are numerous vehicles pulled over on the shoulder with the driver talking or texting on the phone. This seems unsafe. Is it legal and if not what is the recommended procedure upon receiving a call or text that needs a prompt response and hands free options are not available? Answer: Minnesota law does … [Read more...]
Ask a Trooper
Question: I had a question for the Ask a Trooper segment you do. I’ve noticed that school buses all have the words “School Bus” written at the top of the windshield on the front of the vehicle. Similarly, when the bus is used for a different purpose other than school, the words are scraped off or it says “Charter Bus” or something to that effect. What is the reason for … [Read more...]
Ask a Trooper
Question: I have a rather random, but seasonally appropriate question: with harvest season upon us and with slow moving farm vehicles/implements on roadways, is it permissible to pass a slow-moving farm implement on Minnesota highways in a delineated no-passing zone? If passing is prohibited, maybe this is something to feature in the “Ask a Trooper” segments in various media … [Read more...]
Ask a Trooper
Question: Minnesota just recently enacted a hands-free while driving law, but many states do not have such a law. How is this enforced when people from out of state are traveling on our Interstate highways? I have not seen any signs go up stating that Minnesota is Hands-Free. Would violators just be issued a warning? Answer Key: The law will be enforced for all drivers on … [Read more...]
Ask a Trooper
Traffic quiz: 1) It is legal to operate a motor vehicle without a license plate light. True or False 2) The use of headphones while driving a motor vehicle is legal as long as the driver has one ear uncovered. True or False 3) The maximum bumper height for a private passenger vehicle or station wagon is 20 inches. True or False 4) It is legal to drive a pickup … [Read more...]
Ask a Trooper
Question: Can you give some advice on driving in fog? The fog became one car-length dense the other day and it became a dangerous situation. Answer: Driving when the weather limits your visibility can be a challenge for all of us on the road. You can reduce your chances of being involved in a crash by eliminating distractions and by following a few safety tips. Minnesota … [Read more...]
Ask a Trooper
Question: I was told the fine for passing a school bus, when the red lights are activated and the stop arm is extended, had recently increased. Answer: State law requires all vehicles to stop for school buses when the bus driver activates the flashing lights and has the crossing arm fully extended. Red flashing lights on buses indicate students are either entering or … [Read more...]
Ask a Trooper
Question: The new hands-free law does that apply to tractors, lawn mowers and UTV’s? Answer: The hands-free law applies to all motor vehicles. A Motor vehicle would include tractors and lawn mowers on a street or highway. The hands free law would not apply if someone was in a ditch or on private property. The UTV is not considered a motor vehicle, so they are not allowed … [Read more...]
Ask a Trooper
Question: As we are ending the motorcycle season I heard of an individual near Rochester, Minn., whom was killed by going off the road and struck a sign head on. He was not wearing a helmet. Being an individual whom has been in a motorcycle accident with the helmet likely saving my life, why are helmets not required in the State of Minnesota for all two and three wheel … [Read more...]
Ask a Trooper
Question: When turning left on a blinking yellow light, should one pull into the intersection? It seems like a blinking yellow should let at least one car through, but often cars will wait behind the line, negating the ability to move traffic through the intersection. Answer: If you are preparing to turn left at a flashing yellow light you must enter the intersection … [Read more...]
Ask a Trooper
By Sgt. Troy Christianson Minnesota State Patrol Question: I’m writing to you to ask a question regarding whether or not you might know where the signal that I can only assume is the method to tell current “smarter” cars what the speed limit is on the road or highway they are currently driving. I wonder how accurate they really are. Answer: Never rely solely on the … [Read more...]
Ask a Trooper
Question: I have a 2018 Jeep Wrangler which has a windshield that has the ability to fold down from the factory. I am just wondering if the windshield is properly folded down and strapped as per the factory design if this is then legal to drive on highway, county or state roads in Minnesota. While I doubt I’ll ever be zipping down I-94 with the windshield down, it would make it … [Read more...]
Ask a Trooper
By Sgt. Troy Christianson Minnesota State Patrol Question: Can you please explain the new law that requires drivers to move to the right lane if they are impeding traffic by traveling under the posted speed limit? Answer: Modernized language regarding left lane usage was added to Minnesota state statute for those drivers that drive in the left lane below the posted … [Read more...]