At the June 8 Chatfield City Council meeting, a COVID-19 Preparedness Plan was approved for the swimming pool, which is one of the last steps needed to open the pool.
Brian Burkholder said the pool has been inspected and once the Preparedness Plan is submitted to Olmsted County the pool could open at 50% capacity (189 people). The plan details how the pool will operate during the COVID-19 pandemic. Burkholder said he is confident that we are not cutting corners.
There was some discussion about a possible need to adjust the plan as it will present some challenges to make it work. Ryan Priebe said changes can be made when necessary once the plan is in place.
City Clerk Joel Young said nothing in the plan restricts access; it will be first come first serve. Councilor Paul Novotny wanted access to encompass at least the Chatfield School District. Burkholder said we are ready to open, possibly later this week. People can go online to purchase memberships.
Development Agreement for Amco Lane
A development agreement with G-Cubed Development, Inc. was approved with a couple of changes. The plan will allow for 14 lots. Chris Giesen explained the new subdivision agreement will provide for the development of the right of way, road, and sewer. The plan is to build the infrastructure this summer. The subdivision will be for single family homes. There has not been a request for an assistance program for qualified buyers.
The agreement did not include a requirement for sidewalks. Councilor Mike Urban suggested there should be a sidewalk along the cul-de-sac. Giesen said the plan was approved some years ago without space for a sidewalk. It will need to be redesigned to allow for a sidewalk. Chris Barber, City Engineer, explained that utility services are installed with road construction. The right of way is 60-feet wide so the boulevard will have to be narrowed to allow for a 5-foot wide sidewalk.
The development agreement was approved with the sidewalk requirement. If the developer is in agreement with this and another change, it will not hold up the construction schedule for another council meeting.
Other business in brief
•The first consideration of Ordinance #447 Charter Amendment was approved with a 3-2 vote (councilors Urban and Pam Bluhm voted no). This vote is the next step in the process following the public hearing. Urban explained his vote, maintaning that he would like people to be able to all be in the same room for a public hearing on this amendment. Mayor Russ Smith said we have to continue to go through the complete process. There will be a vote on a second consideration at the next meeting. If the vote is not unanimous the amendment will fail.
•Councilors approved a letter (4-1/Urban voted no) to be sent to property owners concerning the alley right of way between Winona St. and Grand St. The letter, in part, says until there is a proper driving surface, the property owners control access to their portions of the right of way. Property owners can not travel on other property owners’ portions without permission of those property owners.
•Improvements to Mill Creek Park have been proposed, dug-outs and a storage building. The estimated cost is $22,000. Chatfield Youth Baseball Association has raised about $12,000 through donations. They have requested the city and the school district each provide $5,000. Approval was given to authorize up to $5,000 toward the project from the city.
•The city attorney was authorized to draft an ordinance to allow post frame construction of buildings, as long as they comply with what has been detailed in recent conditional use permits. The same criteria have been conditions on each permit. The Planning Commission has recommended the ordinance change. City Attorney Fred Suhler said it is a fairly simple change.
•Approval was given to replace a 14 year old Reed Bed Drain Pump that quit working with a new pump at a cost of $7,400.
•Young reported that Larkin Hoffman, the firm that has represented the city during the regular legislative session, is willing to continue to represent the city in the special session. Their continued representation was approved.
•An agreement between the city and the DNR state of Minnesota for an Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Trail Assistance Program maintenance grant was approved for 2019-2021.
•*Membership renewal in the Minnesota Association of Small Cities was approved for July 2020-June 2021. The total dues are $1,496.45.
•A maintenance agreement between Olmsted County and the city for July 2020-June 2021 was approved.
• Approval was given to include the lower level of 128 South Main St. as part of the licensed premises of Paw Print Brewery.
• State demographer population estimate as of April 1, 2019, for Chatfield totaled 2,915 (1,698 Fillmore County, 1,217 Olmsted County).
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