The Fillmore Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) will be hosting a Prairie Walk on Tuesday, August 8 at the Savanna Spring Nature Area located near the high school on the north edge of Chatfield along Highway 52. A light supper will be served at 5:30 p.m. followed by a walking tour through the native prairie at 6 p.m. Presenters will be Tim Gossman and Debbie Anderson, local farmers with expertise in identifying native plants; Joshua Burgess, a local beekeeper from Marion speaking about the benefits of native prairie for pollinators; and Karin Jokela from the Xerces Society who will provide information about programs for establishing pollinator habitat. The event is free and open to the public. This is one of a series of events being held in 2017 to celebrate the SWCD’s 75th anniversary.
Contact the SWCD for more information at (507) 765-3878, ext. 3, or go to
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