The Fillmore Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year. In 1942, all of Fillmore County gained access to resources to help control soil erosion with the establishment of the West Fillmore Soil Conservation District. The East Fillmore District had been established in 1940 and covered just the east half of the county. In partnership with the U.S. Soil Conservation Service, staff, equipment and funding were made available to farmers in the county to install contour strip cropping, grassed waterways, terraces, ponds and other practices to reduce soil loss. In 1962, the East and West Districts combined to form the Fillmore Soil and Water Conservation District to match the county boundaries. This was seen as a way to operate more efficiently.
To mark the anniversary, the Fillmore SWCD is sponsoring a free conservation tour and meal on Tuesday, June 27. The public is welcome to attend either the tour or meal or both. RSVPs are required by June 19 to get an accurate count for the bus and meal. The Fillmore County Cattlemen are grilling steak sandwiches for the meal, and dessert will include ice cream from Kappers Big Red Barn.
The conservation bus tour will start at 1 p.m. from the Fillmore County Fairgrounds, with stops south of Preston. Featured on the tour will be the history of the East Willow Creek Flood Control Project and its present status; the Root River Field to Stream Partnership; examples of soil conservation and soil health practices; and information from recent geologic studies that help us understand the connections between surface water and ground water in karst.
The tour will end between 5:00 and 5:30 back at the fairgrounds. There will be time following the tour to view displays of old pictures and see demonstrations of a rain simulator and a stream table until the meal begins at 6:30 pm. Following the meal, a panel of people involved in natural resources management in Fillmore County, both past and present, will each give their perspective on the changes they have seen in conservation over the years. The program will end at approximately 8 pm.
To RSVP by June 19 or for more information, contact the Fillmore SWCD office at (507) 765-3878, ext. 3, or email More details for the day’s activities can be found at
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