At the September 26th Fillmore Central School Board meeting, Superintendent Heath Olstad gave a report to the board on the school year so far. “It’s been a great start,” he said. Both the high school and the elementary school are preparing for homecoming next week. Bus and school evacuations have been held at the elementary school. AimsWeb testing was done early this year to identify any Title 1 needs that students may have. The elementary back-to-school conferences were well attended with a good turnout. The first field trip has already been completed with the sixth grade’s visit to Forestville.
The child care center and SAC each have multiple open positions to fill. Fifty-seven children are registered for after school care at SAC. Each of the ECFE classes have eight children enrolled.
A resignation from Lexi Johnson was approved. Ashley Bothun was hired as a SPED para and Charlene Mensink as the ECFE para.
The board approved the second reading of the mentoring handbook. All mentors have been put into place with the new teachers.
A quote from Morem Electric to replace or upgrade the emergency and exit lights at both the high school and elementary buildings was approved.
The board discussed the proposed roof repairs at both sites. Repairs to the issues that were labeled as priority A had been approved at an earlier meeting. The board thought it would be wise to address priority B and C issues as well and approved those repairs. Staff volunteers were able to do some repairs already, saving the district about $4,500.
The district’s annual subscription with Edmentum was approved. Edmentum provides online courses for the ALP setting.
The election judges for the November 7 election were appointed.
Nine requests for graduate credit reimbursement and 10 for salary schedule lane changes were reviewed by the board. Per the district’s master agreement, certified staff members can be reimbursed at the rate of $60 per credit hour for up to $240 for approved or required graduate work. All of the requests were approved.
A joint powers agreement with SE Tech of Winona was approved. The annual contract allows the district to work with the college to offer concurrent courses at Fillmore Central.
The proposed 2024 levy was reviewed and approved for the maximum amount. The numbers are preliminary and can still be changed before the truth-in-taxation meeting in December which is when the final decision will be made.
The high school advisors list for the 2023-24 school year was approved. An open enrollment request was approved.
Special board meetings will be held on September 27 in Fountain at 7 p.m., October 4 in Preston at 7 p.m., and on October 11 in Harmony at 7 p.m. The board reviewed the date for the next regular meeting as there may be a conflict with a football playoff game during that time. It was decided to move the meeting from 6:30 p.m. to 7 a.m. on October 24.
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