The Spring Valley city council held a regular council meeting on May 24. All members were present (Luan Ruesink, Chris Danielson, Greg Brooks, John Dols and Mayor Tony Archer). Also attending was City Clerk/Administrator Deb Zimmer. No visitors were on hand to address the council on any topics.
Spring Valley’s annual “Senior Parade” was discussed. Troy Lange explained, “We’re going to do like we did last year. We’re going to stay on the northeast side of town.” Deb Zimmer added, “No street closures or anything. They’re just basically making you aware of this.” No formal action was needed, nor taken by the council. The parade will begin at 6:30 p.m. on June 3. According to an email from Stacey Rath, the route will be, “Starting at Kasten Drive, coming down Highway 63 to Farmer Street, then up Maple Lane, down Hillcrest over to N Section then up and down the streets on the north side of town ending at Spring Valley Nursing Home.”
The council considered a request to approve the city’s ambulance service to obtain a CentralSquare Ambulance Software Module Addition. A note signed by Sue Puffer, Mike Zimmer, and Lucille Drinkall explained the request, stating, in part, “This will enable the ambulance computer run reports to be upload into CentralSquare billing software that is used by Val at the station. We have had a contract with CentralSquare for nearly 20 years…This module will streamline the billing process and expedite payments.” Deb Zimmer added that she put this item o the agenda in part “to make sure you’re aware of what’s being used with Cloud storage.” The council approved the request.
Chad Hindt gave a report on happenings at the Streets department. He stated, “We’re trying to stay ahead of the dandelions. We mow them, and they’re standing up behind us.” He also said his crew is working on crack filling and pothole filling in needed areas of the city’s streets.
Sue Puffer reported on the ambulance department’s recent pulled pork dinner. She said “We did all right” when comparing the numbers from this year’s event to those from recent years. She added that the department will be undergoing an inspection on June 11. She also stated that the crew received a letter of resignation from one member, and a few other new members will soon be completing their orientation periods.
Troy Lange reported on behalf of the fire department, saying, “It’s been a pretty quiet month in our world.” He said other than helping with the Senior Parade, no events are scheduled in the near future.
John Dols stated, “We’d like to express our deepest gratitude to the Kingsland Athletic Booster Club. Their donation is going to allow us to replace the backstop and do some dugout work up at the South Park. That will be great for our summer rec program, and also for the high school softball program. In addition to that, they also helped us to purchase the new pool cleaner… So their total donation was $29,000.”
Mayor Archer encouraged everyone to “Get out there and watch the bicyclers coming up here on June 5…The Spring Valley 100 (bike race) starts at 8 a.m.” He also reminded citizens that depositing lawn clippings into city streets is not allowed in Spring Valley.
The council reviewed Resolution 2021-21: A Resolution to Accept the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funds. Deb Zimmer said the exact amount is not yet known, but in order to accept the funds, the city would need to first approve this resolution. The resolution was unanimously approved. The council considered a request from the Tri County Trailblazer Snowmobile Club, to hold a raffle. The raffle permit was approved as submitted. The next regular meeting will be Monday, June 14 at 6 p.m. at city hall. The public is welcome.
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