At their April 8 meeting, the Spring Valley City Council learned the city’s Parks and Rec program, like so many around the country, is struggling to find interested applicants for the lifeguard and summer rec coaching departments.
“We do have a WSI (water safety instructor) hired so we are set for swimming lessons for sure. I’m not sure if the pool is going to open yet because we haven’t had any lifeguard applicants,” Parks and Recs Director John Fenske told the council. “Also in Park and Rec we haven’t had any applications and that has been out for a couple of weeks, so I’m getting kind of concerned. Hopefully we get enough employees to have everything. We’ll just keep moving forward and get everything ready for summer.”
The city’s successful recreation programs, along with the pool, have given the youth of Spring Valley and nearby communities a place to go enjoy the outdoors, learn responsibility and grow friendships throughout the years.
Council member John Dols said, “We really count on the participation of our youth in the community to set up and coach summer rec for the young kids and keep the pool open so kids have somewhere to go and have recreation opportunities in the summer. Parents, please encourage your kids to apply.”
Swimming lessons will begin July 8 through the 19 this year and the summer rec packets will be available on May 15 to those interested in participating.
Fenske then expressed his thanks to the Spring Valley Area Community Foundation (SVACF) for their $5,000 donation.
In addition, the park bathrooms are now open and they are working to get all the courts ready for the season. They have been working to clean up the remaining limbs from the trees which were removed from South Park.
Economic and Development Authority Director Chris Hahn reminded those vendors, businesses or organizations interested in the Wednesdays on Broadway registrations are now posted on their website
City Administrator Deb Zimmer reminded residents Junk Cleanup Day will be held on May 11.
According to Co-Ambulance Director Sue Puffer, there were 42 calls in March and April is ramping up to be another busy month. The ambulance service will be having their annual breakfast on May 19.
Puffer noted they have drills and a mock accident along with several area services including the Spring Valley Fire Department.
Fire Chief Dustin Johnson shared the fire department had one call last month and participated in several trainings.
Council member Luan Ruesink ask residents to be more mindful of keeping their dogs on leashes or in secure enclosures as there has been an uptick in dog at large calls.
WWTP Updates
The Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) updates continue as the Spring Valley City Council considered various companies to install their previously purchased six blower units.
Bolton and Menk solicited quotes from five Minnesota-based companies with Gridor Construction, Inc, based in Buffalo, Minn., giving the lowest quote at $213,800. Gridor Construction specializes in wastewater treatment construction.
In February, the council approved a 20-year infrastructure plan for the WWTP complied by Bolton and Menk with most of the upgrades to be completed by 2031 to stay within the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency’s (MPCA) compliance schedules.
Other Business
- The council approved the Ambulance service purchase of a handheld oximeter at the cost of $4,598.49.
- The city received one bid for the Parks & Rec Department truck sealed bid sale, as of the April 4 deadline. Ken Clark’s bid of $567 was approved by the council.
- A transfer of $300,000 from the General Fund to the Capital Fund was approved.
- The council approved Wednesdays on Broadway street closures for June 19, July 17, August 21 and September 18.
- The next council meeting will be held on May 13 at 6 p.m.
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