By Kaitlin Longhauser
Spring Grove School Board members met at Spring Grove Public School’s Learning Resource Center on Tuesday October 18, from 7-7:25 p.m. Board members present include Aaron Solum, Stephanie Jaster, Jenny Stender, Aric Elton, Rhan Flatin, and Kelly Rohland.
The board approved the Consent Asgenda, minutes from the September 19 regular board meeting, and the Treasurer’s Report/Approval of Bills once the extracurricular transportation costs had been included.
Spring Grove students get to enjoy MEA break with school not in session Thursday, October 20 and Friday, October 21.
Superintendent Rachel Udstuen shared Spring Grove Public School’s enrollment increased for the 2022-2023 school year with 193 students in grades K-6 and 162 students in grades 7-12. The previous, 2021-2022, school year’s enrollment consisted of 180 students in grades K-6 and 162 students in grades 7-12. Udstuen brought to attention the board meeting date set for May 2023 may need to be changed. Udstuen shared 2022 MCA (Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment) data.
Gina Meinertz, assistant superintendent, provided her board report. Spring Grove’s high school Humanities Team held a Spanish Heritage month celebration. Students got the opportunity to experience new foods, music, and culture. The following school districts – Mabel, Canton, Spring Grove, Houston, and Caledonia participate with New Teacher Cohort which supports new teachers entering the teaching profession.
Luke Kjelland, principal, provided his board report. Thirty students attended CTE Day Career Fair in Caledonia. Kjelland stated the event to be a “productive session.” Nine students from Megan Miller’s high school English course will take part in writing articles for the Fillmore County Journal. October 24, high school students will update their individualized plans and take part in student/parent conferences. The individualized plans assist students in preparation for college, career, or life skills in the near future. Chris Deck, MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports) Interventions, and HVED (Hiawatha Valley Education District) are working to clean up Educlimber and Fastbridge. On Thursday, October 13, Scott Solberg, Deck, Jackie Parker, and Kjelland attended a training at Winona State University to further learn the MTSS process in identifying student needs and interventions to use at all levels. Kjelland states this was an opportunity to “refine our practices and make them better.”
The board acknowledged Policy 722-Public Data and Data Subject Requests. As required by statute, the school district will adhere with requirements of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes chapter 13 (MGDPA), and Minnesota Rules Parts 1205.0100-1205.2000 in response to public data. Public data requests must be made in writing and needs to include the following information-date request made, description of data requested, identification of form in how the data is to be administered, and a means to contact the requester. The responsible authority with respond to a given data request within a reasonable time frame.
The next regular in-person board meeting of the Spring Grove Public School board is scheduled for Monday, November 21. The meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. at Spring Grove Public School in the Learning Resource Center. The school board also offers virtual meetings through Google Meet for those interested. For assistance, contact the district’s office at (507) 498-3221 or email
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