At the May 20 Spring Grove School Board meeting, Student Representative Taylor Reinhardt was presented with an award for her service to the school board.
“You have done an outstanding job of keeping our board informed about what’s going on. I know you have reached out to people within our student body to find out what’s going on,” praised Superintendent Rachel Udstuen. “Congratulations, Taylor!”
Reinhardt presented her last report as student representative. However, she was invited to attend the school board meetings this summer. She reported on upcoming events and field trips taking place during the last couple of weeks of May. The last student council meeting is scheduled for May 28, followed by lunch off-campus. The last for the seniors is May 29. Graduation will be held at the football field on May 31 at 7 p.m.
Reinhardt reported that the school will celebrate academic excellence on Tuesday, May 21 at 10 a.m. in the gym to recognize commitment and effort to excel in school. She added that on Wednesday, May 22, Fish and Wildlife will be going to the zoo, Physics will be going to Valley Fair, ceramics and pottery as well as a few other art classes will be going to an art museum in the cities.
Board members present at this meeting included Chairman Aaron Solum, Rhan Flatin, Aric Elton, Kelly Rohland, Stephanie Jaster and Angie Solie.
School employees present included Superintendent Rachel Udstuen, Assistant Superintendent Gina Morken, Principal Luke Kjelland, District Accountant Tanya Elton, and Administrative Assistant/Front Office Rachel Bjerke.
The consent agenda, in its entirety, was approved as written including the agenda and minutes from the April 15 meeting, the resignations of teachers Tom Dunkle and Evah Engel, the contract with Weston Riley as the social studies teacher, a $4,000 donation from Richard Grown and a $4,500 donation from Mike and Diane Schmidt for scholarships.
There were no guests present wishing to address the board.
Principal Luke Kjelland announced that junior high and high school is moving to a six-period schedule in 2024-2025. Testing is almost complete for the year, and students have registered for next year’s classes. The ever-popular color run organized by Sara Tollefsrud is Friday, May 24, at 1 p.m. The National Guard is bringing their climbing wall to the end of quarter reward celebration on May 30.
Superintendent Udstuen praised Assistant Superintendent Gina Morken for her proactive role of the READ (Reading to Ensure Academic Development) Act in Southeast Minnesota. The act was signed by Minnesota Governor Tim Walz on May 24, 2023. Southeast Service Cooperative is contracting Morken on a part-time basis Morken to do some READ Act oversight and leadership. Udstuen said that it is great for Morken and it is good for our district to have her expertise and it is great for the school’s budget.
ISG and Kraus-Anderson’s design team will update the board at the June board meeting. Superintendent Udstuen noted that she doesn’t know how, but the design team is making everything fit.
Superintendent Udstuen announced that there is a committee actively raising funds for a new softball field. If anyone knows of any individuals interested in contributing $20,000, the school will name the field after them.
It is official – the motel lot belongs to the school and they have received the keys. Udstuen thanked the students in Karen Tisthammer’s class for cleaning up the property. The next step is to do a walk-through and create a to-do list.
The board agreed to closing the school during the week of the Fourth of July. Some staff will be in the building, including maintenance.
Superintendent Udstuen explained that kindergarten teacher Erin Becker formally requested a one- to three-year leave of absence. If her request is not approved, then she indicated that she would submit her resignation. Granting Becker’s leave would establish a precedent which would require the board to grant future leaves of absence. Superintendent Udstuen added that Becker’s request was not a medical leave of absence. The board unanimously approved Becker’s resignation.
The last item of business was the unanimous approval of the American Education Week Citizen Recognition Awards recipients: Administrative Assistant Karen Fried, Grades 2-3 teacher Deb Morken, and Social Studies teacher Al Lochner. The school annually recognizes teachers and staff that are retiring in the spring.
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