Spring Grove Superintendent Rachel Udstuen reminded school board members and the public of the construction timeline at the board’s November 18 regularly scheduled meeting.
Chairman Aaron Solum called the November 18 meeting of the Spring Grove School board to order at 7 p.m. Board members present included Aaron Solum, Stephanie Jaster, Kelly Rohland, Rhan Flatin, Angie Solie and Aric Elton.
Construction bids were accepted at the October 21 regularly scheduled board meeting and the November 12 special school board meeting. Included in Superintendent Rachel Udstuen’s monthly report was a diagram of the building highlighting the three construction phases. The first phase (red) is the practice gym and power mechanics building, which is scheduled to take place in the summer of 2025. Phase 2 (green) includes the original building, the media center/library, and office area which are also scheduled for the summer of 2025. Phase 3 (blue) construction will take place in the summer of 2026.
There were no guests wishing to address the board.
The board unanimously approved the consent agenda including the meeting agenda, minutes from the October 21 regular board meeting and the November 12 special school board meeting, and the treasurer’s report and the bills.
Principal Luke Kjelland shared his report via a pre-recorded video, focusing on the first-quarter behavior data. In the 2024 school year, there have been 15 major referrals, compared to 22 major referrals in the 2023 school year and 10 major referrals in the 2022 school year. Kjelland also mentioned that the first community engagement night was held on October 30 and led by three Spring Grove students. There were 13 adults in attendance. Kjelland expressed his desire to see a gym full of participants at the next one on January 8, 2025.
Assistant Superintendent Gina Meinertz updated the board on the Service Learning grant and Community Help Desk, transformational coaching, Redefining Ready, Literacy Lead, grants, and elementary-themed units focused on truth, humility, respect, love, courage, honesty, and wisdom. Superintendent Udstuen announced that the school was just notified that they had been awarded the Sowing the Seeds of Literacy grant.
Jaster reported that the next meeting of the Houston County Collaborative is in January, and Solum reported that HVED is moving forward on their remodeling project.
On behalf of the school’s Student Council, President Sylas Flatin reported that the council will be doing something new at the end of the month. The council is planning a fundraiser to benefit the community’s food pantry. High schoolers will pay to throw a pie in either Mr. Kjelland’s or Mr. Moore’s face.
The approved graduation with honors and speaker guidelines are as follows: 1. Valedictorian and salutatorian are the top two students in the graduation class. 2. Graduating with Honors applies to students graduating with a 3.67 GPA, which aligns with the school’s Academic Excellence recognition. 3. Male and female students with the top ranking in 11th grade will serve as the Junior Escorts. If there is a tie, they will be selected by drawing. 4. Any senior graduating with honors will have the opportunity to submit an application to speak at commencement. Preference will be given to the top four students in the class.
A motion to approve the 2023-2024 World’s Best Workforce Summary report as recommended by Udstuen was approved. The annual report will be made available on the school website as well as the last 10 annual reports: www.springgrove.k12.mn.us/page/3694.
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