The December 16 meeting of the Spring Grove School Board marked the final meeting for outgoing board members Aaron Solum and Aric Elton.
Superintendent Rachel Udstuen graciously thanked both men for their service to the district. Solum served on the board for 20 years, holding the position of chairman for 18 years, while Elton served on the board for four years. Udstuen noted that both men will be missed.
Chairman Solum called his last meeting to order at 7 p.m.
Board members present included Aaron Solum, Stephanie Jaster, Kelly Rohland, Rhan Flatin, Angie Solie and Aric Elton.
The approved consent agenda included the meeting agenda, minutes from the November 18 regular school board meeting and the special school board meeting, the treasurer’s report, paying the bills, a $100 donation from Mark Ellingson, and a $500 donation from Red’s Hometown Market, the resignation of Kasey Thompson (maintenance), and employment contacts with Scott Solberg (technical director for theater productions) and Kay Cross (assistant director for a one-act play).
Recent student fundraisers for the food shelf were successful by all measures. The coin war ended on November 22 with elementary students raising $830.52. Mrs. Schultz’s class emerged as the winner and celebrated with a movie and popcorn party. High school students raised $245 through pie-throwing activities featuring four teachers, and a bag tournament. A total of $1,075.52 was presented to Chris Olson for the food shelf, covering the cost of food delivery received that week.
Principal Luke Kjelland announced that the next community engagement night is scheduled for January 8, 2025, at 6 p.m. He encouraged attendees to participate, emphasizing that the session would be informative, useful, and fun. Kjelland noted that grandparents attended the first session, and he aims to increase participation from three to 20 groups.
Assistant Superintendent Gina Meinertz updated the board on her current projects and grant applications, including those for the school’s mental health collaborative and entrepreneurship course.
Superintendent Rachel Udstuen reminded the board that Assistant Superintendent Meinertz will be filling in as the interim superintendent during the second semester while Udstuen teaches two advanced placement literature blocks, which occupy two-thirds of the day.
Udstuen confirmed that work on the Career and Technical Education (CTE) space is scheduled to begin on February 1. This is phase one of the 2025 construction project.
The school held its annual Truth in Taxation meeting for taxes payable in 2025. During the presentation by Ehlers & Associates, Inc. the school’s financial advisor, it was emphasized that the change in the tax levy does not determine a change in the budget. The proposed 2025 tax levy represents a $105,984, or 6.2%, increase from 2024. There were no public comments, and the board unanimously approved certifying the 2025 levy.
Udstuen explained that the school had a “really favorable bond sale.” She added that the sale resulted in nearly $1.3 million in saved revenue. These funds can be used for facilities maintenance of the property the school currently owns by issuing a bond. The board unanimously approved the issuance and sale of $1,100,000 in facilities maintenance bonds for health and safety projects. Community-prioritized projects include improvements to the softball field, window and door replacements not covered in the construction project, tuckpointing, and work on the motel lot.
In other business, the board:
•Unanimously approved, by roll call vote, the resolution to combine polling places.
•Approved the first reading of the MSBA model policy updates.
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