The Spring Grove School Board unanimously approved by roll call base construction bids totaling $2.4 million at its October 21 regularly scheduled meeting.
Chad Pike, Senior Project Manager at Kraus-Anderson Construction Company, reviewed the bids in detail before the board voted. He noted that the bids went out as planned this fall, with bids due at the beginning of October. With construction costs at about $10 million, the project came in $130,000 under budget – a noteworthy achievement given the strong construction contingency at $543,000.
Pike explained that all of the bids received would not be approved immediately. He explained that the team is exploring cost-reduction strategies and noted some discrepancies, as several contractors did not follow instructions or include taxes in their bids. Consequently, some bids will be rebid to ensure competitive pricing.
Additionally, Pike recommended that the board authorize Superintendent Udstuen to approve change orders up to $30,000 per line item. The reason for the request is to save time and reduce the need for special board meetings to address change orders.
The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by Chairman Aaron Solum.
District Accountant Tonya Elton, by roll call, recognized the board members present: Aaron Solum, Stephanie Jaster, Kelly Rohland, Rhan Flatin and Aric Elton. Angie Solie was absent.
The approved consent agenda included the agenda and minutes from the September 16 regular board meeting, and the treasurer’s report and bills.
There were no guests wishing to address the board.
On behalf of the student council, Representative Isaac Vick announced that on November 1 there will be a quarterly reward volleyball game. The elementary coin war to raise money for the food shelf kicks off on November 11, and the council is discussing other ideas grades 7-12 can take part in to help to raise money. The council is considering hosting a bags tournament.
Principal Luke Kjelland, Assistant Superintendent Gina Meinertz, and Superintendent Rachel Udstuen reported on a variety of important topics. They discussed initiative including Redefining Ready and college and career visits, along with plans for community engagement on October 30. Their reports highlighted youth suicide prevention training for licensed staff renewals and announced the winners of the second annual Spring Grove Staff Chili (or soup) Cook-off. They also covered updates on several grants, including the service-learning grant, Grow Your Own grant, CTE grant, as well as a partnership with Riverland. Additionally, Udstuen addressed facilities, district goals, and the revised Graduating with Honors template. Udstuen and Solum updated the board on the recent Houston County Collaborative and HVED meetings.
The board received a copy of the updated School Response Crisis Manual to review. It will be placed on the agenda for the November meeting for approval.
In other business the board:
- Approved hiring Utah resident Darci Davis as a part-time school counselor, hours not to exceed 20 hours per week. Davis will be working remotely.
- Unanimously approved the Minnesota State High School League Foundation Form A for the 2024-2025 school year. Form A allows the school to “apply for funds to offset a portion of participation fees for families with limited income.
- Unanimously approved the Minnesota State High School League Foundation Form B for the 2024-2025 school year. Form B allows the school to apply for another AED or a guest speaker.
Before adjourning the meeting, Chairman Solum asked how it is going with the new cell phone policy. Kjelland said that less people are using their cell phones during lunch, and Udstuen said, “It is going really good.”
The board approved a special meeting on Tuesday, November 12 at 7 p.m. to canvas the election and to approve additional construction bids.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:07 p.m.
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