Spring Grove City Council members met Tuesday, March 19 at 168 West Main Street. Mayor Saundra Solum called the meeting to order at 6 p.m., then led with the Pledge of Allegiance. Council members present included Karen Folstad, Heather Edgington, Trent Turner and Mike Hagen. Also, in attendance were City Clerk/Administrator Jana Elton and CEDA’s (Community and Economic Development Association) Courtney Bergey Swanson.
After approving the agenda, the council unanimously approved the Consent Agenda which included the following: approval of minutes from the February 20 regular council meeting: appointment of Ashley Olson as a library board member, appointment of Scott VanMinsel as Planning and Zoning Commission member, accepting a gift from Gemini Corporation, accepting a library donation, appointment of Myriah Klug as an EDA member, and authorization of transferring city funds.
No participant spoke during Open Forum.
Old Business
The council discussed how to go about posting board vacancies. City Clerk/Administrator Elton contacted the attorney’s office, who stated vacancies do not need to be posted in newspapers. The concern over utilizing newspapers to advertise vacancies had been the cost. Council members went back and forth discussing advertising through Facebook or the Spring Grove city’s web page. Council member Edgington commented, “We’re limiting it to people who use tech.” There was consideration to advertise at Red’s IGA and the post office in Spring Grove, Minn. Council member Turner stated, “I’d say the biggest thing is word of mouth.” No further action was taken.
New Business
Bergey Swanson provided the council with an update on downtown redevelopment. Swanson informed the council that the state of Minnesota developed the Workforce Housing Development Program. The program targets small to medium sized cities in the Greater Minnesota area where there is a rental workforce housing need. Swanson commented that it is rare to have an opportunity like this. The program’s application is due by Tuesday, April 30; the council will need to approve a resolution of support beforehand.
Council member Turner moved, seconded by Hagen, to approve the hiring of Sharra Liptack for employment with Spring Grove’s Public Library. Motion carried.
The council unanimously approved the Syttende Mai committee’s request to close off Maple Drive on the west side of the park and 1st Avenue NE on the east side of the park for Saturday, May 18. In addition, North Division Avenue on the east side of the American Legion will also be closed off for safety purposes that day.
Elton stated, Spring Grove’s Planning and Zoning committee is leaving how to handle outdoor wood burning stoves and boilers to the council. Elton shared that Harmony, Minn., allows residents to have wood burning stoves, however, such needs to be 300 feet from the property line. Regulations on outdoor wood burning stoves vary by city. Wood burning stoves can be indoors, a few Spring Grove residents have these stoves in their own garages. Council member Edgington asked if the stoves can be retrofitted to be EPA certified. “Okay, so what do we want to do?” Mayor Solum questions regarding specifically the outdoor stoves. It was suggested that when the grandfathered in wood burning stoves die, any new replacement stove will need to meet guidelines. The council decided to come back and review this matter at next month’s council meeting.
The Spring Grove City Council meeting adjourned at 6:57 p.m. The next regular council meeting will be held Tuesday, April 16 at 6 p.m. The meeting will take place at 168 West Main Street in room #100. The public is invited to attend.
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