On Tuesday, July 23, the Spring Grove School board met in regular session to prepare for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year.
Five parents attended the board meeting to discuss their experience and their children’s experience in combined elementary classrooms, expressing concern over the school’s lack of communication about the upcoming school year and combined classrooms. School leaders thanked the parents for their input. Superintendent Rachel Udstuen said the next steps for the school would be to explain what decisions are being made and to seek feedback from the parents about these decisions and adjust accordingly.
A design development update was by ISG Business Unit Leader Kevin Bills and Senior Project Manager Chad Pike Kraus-Anderson Construction Company addressing the construction timeline. Due to the amount of asbestos and vermiculite insulation, the timeline has been revised. Instead of completing the project in the summer of 2024, it will be completed in three stages: the first during the 2025 spring term, the second in the summer of 2025, and the third in the summer of 2026. Although this deviates from the original plan there are benefits to the changes, including a broader pool of contractors and a more manageable project. Kevin with ISG noted his appreciation for the process.
Chairman Aaron Solum called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.
Board members present included Chairman Solum, Rhan Flatin, Kelly Rohland and Angie Solie. Absent were board members Stephanie Jaster and Aric Elton. School employees present included Superintendent Rachel Udstuen, Assistant Superintendent Gina Morken, Principal Luke Kjelland and District Accountant Tanya Elton.
The lengthy consent agenda was approved in one unanimous motion. It included the agenda, minutes from the regular June 24 board meeting, the treasurer’s report, approval of the bills, and established bonding, out-of-state tuition rates, participation fees, and athletic admission prices for 2024-25, plus the designation of the bank depository, designation of official depositories for investments for 2024-25. The consent agenda also included the annual review of the out-of-state travel by board members, family and medical leave, internet acceptable use and safety policies. Also included membership contracts (MSBA, SSC, HVED, MREA, Region V), a review of the ongoing cooperative agreement for athletics with Caledonia Area Schools, and contacts for Scott Solberg, One Act director; Aric Elton, junior varsity boys basketball; Jordan Anderson, junior high volleyball; Taylor Elton, senior Knowledge Bowl; Weston Riley, junior high Knowledge Bowl; and Rachel Bjerke, yearbook advisor.
Reports were presented by:
• Principal Luke Kjelland announced that the Back to School Teacher Workshop Week is August 19, 20, 21, and 22. The new elementary teacher is Jordan Anderson, the speech therapist is Katie Zenke with The Therapy Solution and the seventh and ninth grade orientation is Wednesday, August 21, at 6:30 p.m.
• Assistant Superintendent Gina Morken drew a sigh of relief as she announced that the title grants were completed, before listing all her summer activities.
• Superintendent Rachel Udstuen announced that the recent fundraiser for the softball field raised a staggering $14,000 and that there will be a garage sale in August at the motel.
In other business, the board:
• Established the board salaries ($1,000 per year for the chair, $700 per year for directors, $300 per negotiating cycle for each negotiator, out-of-district meetings are $25 for up to four hours, $50 for four to six hours, and $100 for over eight hours).
• Selected the Fillmore County Journal as the official school newspaper for 2024-25.
• Accepted the sole bid from Pan-O-Gold Breads for bread and bread products for 2024-25.
• Accepted the sole bid from Kemps for milk and milk products for 2024-25.
• Approved the 2024-25 meal allowances for staff travel reimbursements ($10 for breakfast, $15 for lunch, and $20 for dinner).
• Increased the substitute teacher pay from $110 to $140 per day and the substitute paraprofessional pay from $13 to $14 per hour.
• Tabled Morken and Kjelland contracts until the August school board meeting.
• Approved Jordan Anderson’s contract.
• Approved the 2024-25 school calendar with Parent-Teacher Conference Dates.
• Approved the resolution calling for the general election of school board members.
• Approved the resolution requiring the tally of write-in votes only if write-in votes exceed a ballot candidate’s total votes.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:41 p.m.
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