The regular meeting of the Spring Grove City Council met Tuesday, January 18, 2022, from 6-7:18 p.m. The meeting was moved to the Fest Building, 110 Division St. N., Spring Grove.
Council members in attendance were Mayor Scott Solberg, Travis Torgerson, Karen Folstad, Chad Rohland, and Trent Turner.
As part of the consent agenda, the council accepted the appointment of the fire department officers: chief, Trent Turner; 1st assistant, Andrew Melbostad; 2nd assistant/training officer, Brett Wiste; assistant training officer, Jeremy Myhre; secretary, Chris Deck; and meeting chair, Sam Otterness.
As expected, there was a larger audience than normal at the city council meeting due to the discussion regarding the city owned and operated municipal liquor store. The council answered questions and listened to comments from the residents. City Attorney Gregg Schieber attended to answer questions regarding the state law and city ordinance regarding municipal liquor stores. Councilman Rohland acknowledged that there has been “lots of good conversation” and thanked the attendees for being respectful at the meeting and on Facebook, and asked that they continue being respectful. The discussion was tabled until after the 2021 audit is completed in April.
The new full-time custodian/meter reader was approved at a pay grade of four and a salary range of $14.52-$18.95.
Fire Chief Trent Turner shared the department’s end of the year report with the council. The chief reported that the department attended 24 meetings and training and responded to 21 calls in 2021. There were seven good faith alarm calls (smoke alarms, CO, gas leaks), five structure fires, five vehicle accidents, two vehicle fires, and two vegetation fires. Turner responded, “We had more mutual aid calls that we went on.”
Police Chief Folz submitted a detailed end-of-the year report. The department responded to 1,366 calls in 2021, 195 calls more than in 2020. The department investigated 93 city ordinance violations, of which 75 were initiated by the police department and 18 were reported to the department, 22 citations were issued. Last year the department spent approximately 898.27 hours conducting criminal investigation with a case closure rate of 97.07%. The report also mentioned that the department generated over $42,026.39 in revenue and that they spent 6,323.49 hours on patrol, investigation, accidents, assisting other agencies, assisting the public, equipment maintenance, foot patrol, medical assists, meetings, office detail, public relations events, training, administrative, and transcriptions.
Chief of Police Folz announced the resignation of Officer Jose Luis Martinez, effective January 24, 2022. Officer Martinez served the citizens of Spring Grove for four years.
“It is probably time for the Spring Grove Police Department to come under the reins of another chief. Therefore, I am announcing my retirement at the end of the year. After 21 terrific years, it is time for me to go,” shared Police Chief Folz.
Councilmember Karen Folstad accepted the Mayor Pro-Tem appointment for another year.
Turner made the motion to keep the liaisons and appointments the same as in 2021. Rohland seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Economic Development Authority, Scott Solberg; Housing Committee, Travis Torgerson; Library Board, Karen Folstad; Parks Commission, Scott Solberg; Planning Commission, Trent Turner and Travis Torgerson.
Council Liaisons
Administration (City Hall), Chad Rohland; Fire, Chad Rohland and Trent Turner; Police, Chad Rohland and Travis Torgerson; Public Works, Karen Folstad; Liquor Store, Travis Torgerson and Chad Rohland; Swim Center/Summer Rec, Chad Rohland and Karen Folstad; Cable TV, Scott Solberg; Library, Karen Folstad; Zoning Administrator Julie Amundson; Deputy Zoning Administrator, Paul Morken; Union Negotiating Committee, Trent Turner, Karen Folstad, and Julie Amundson, Fire Hall Expansion Project Committee, Karen Folstad.
The council accepted the bid from the Fillmore County Journal for the city’s 2022 legal notice. The Caledonia Argus submitted a bid of $7.25 per column inch.
The proposed 2022 Ambulance Levy Increase at a rate of $10.00 for a total of $13,040.00 was unanimously approved.
Music in the Park organizers requested an increase of $100 from the city for the 2022 season. The board unanimously approved the increase. The $1,000.00 covers the cost of the event held in the Viking Memorial Park in conjunction with the Farmers Market and food vendors. According to the request, the collaboration with the Spring Grove Area Chamber of Commerce will run from mid-May through mid-October.
The Spring Grove City Council’s next regular meeting is Tuesday, February 15 at 6 p.m. at Spring Grove Fest Building. The public is invited to attend.
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