Spring Grove City Council members met Tuesday, April 16 at 168 West Main Street in room 100. Mayor Saundra Solum called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. and led with the Pledge of Allegiance. Council members present included Solum, Heather Edgington, Trent Turner, Mike Hagen and Karen Folstad. Also in attendance was City Clerk/Administrator Jana Elton.
Council member Turner moved, seconded by Hagen, to adopt the agenda. Motion carried.
The consent agenda received unanimous approval, which consisted of approving the minutes from the March 19 regular Council meeting, approval of claims and accounts, and approval of resolution 24-21 in authorizing transfer of funds.
Open Forum had no participants.
Three public hearings took place. The first involved a variance application for 401 Main Street; the second involved a rezone application for 401 Main Street that requested to change the property’s zoning from Commercial to mix-use property Residential-Commercial; the third public hearing involved ordinance 1100-zoning.
Old Business
City Clerk/Administrator Elton shared a sample ordinance regarding outdoor wood burning stoves and boilers. Mayor Solum acknowledged that something needs to be put in place. Elton questions the council about the permit fee. Council member Turner asked, “Would it be considered an accessory structure?” to which Folstad responded, “That would make sense.” The permit fee would be $75. The item will be further discussed next time.
Hagen moved, seconded by Turner, to change Log Cabin contract to no flame. Motion carried.
Courtney Bergey Swanson, CEDA (Community and Economic Development Associates), updated the council about the Workforce Housing Development Application. She stated the developers are not in a position to have everything ready. Next year will be an opportunity to apply.
New Business
Sheriff Brian Swedberg shared the Houston County Sheriff’s Office Quarterly Report. There had been traffic stops and community policing at events. The department received 217 calls, with 12 citations. Deputy Storm Davis resigned. Swedberg acknowledged, “We’re going to have deputies filling in.”
Bergey Swanson informed the council that she has been in communication with Farmers Coop in Spring Grove; the Coop wants to vacate their existing site and possibly sell to the city of Spring Grove. As of now, the Coop does not have a sale price set, nor do they have any current environmental testing done. “I’d be happy to hear ideas,” stated Bergey Swanson. “It’s a great location in the city.”
Patrick Longmire of Fat Pat’s Brewery in Spring Grove requested a commercial rebate. Turner asked, “What is his actual ask?” Three amounts had been listed on the invoice, all of which equal to just over $5,000 with $5,000 being the maximum. Elton called Longmire for clarification, Longmire agreed to wait and fill out the exact figures for the invoice. The item got tabled to May’s regular council meeting.
Elton shared her meeting report regarding parks. A grant had been put in for Trollskogen Park. The grant would fund better handicapped accessible trails, parking areas, and paths.
Council member Folstad provided her meeting report about Spring Grove Public Library. Spring displays and the LEGO wall were set up. Monday, April 29 the library will hold the Pet Portrait Painting event. On Thursday, May 9 author Michael Hall will visit with first and second grade students. On Tuesday, June 11, authors Jess Lourey and Sarah Stonich will visit at 7 p.m.
The council meeting adjourned at 6:42 p.m. The next regular Spring Grove City Council meeting will be held Tuesday, May 21 at 6 p.m. The public is invited to attend.
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