Spring Grove City Council members met Tuesday, July 16 at 168 West Main Street in room #100. Mayor Saundra Solum called the meeting to order at 6 p.m., then led with the Pledge of Allegiance. Council members present included Mayor Solum, Mike Hagen, Trent Turner and Karen Folstad. Councilor Heather Edgington was absent. City employee present was City Clerk/Administrator Jana Elton.
Councilor Turner moved, seconded by Hagen, to adopt the agenda. Motion carried.
The consent agenda received unanimous approval after two additional items were added, one being an update on 2nd Avenue SW and the other being Sheriff Brian Swedberg’s report.
Land owners of parcels 260528000 and 260531001 attended the public hearing in regards to the alley vacation from 310 2nd Avenue NW through 308 2nd Avenue NW. One of the owners questioned what the survey would look like, which Mayor Solum explained. City Clerk/Administrator Elton informed the land owners that the legal description would need to be redone. Both land owners agreed. Elton further informed that the alley will be done with next year’s street project. “Any other comments on this alley we’re talking about?” Solum asked. With no other questions, the Council agreed to postpone the resolution.
Old Business
Sheriff Swedberg provided the council his report. Amy Gehrke from La Crescent, Minn., was hired as Spring Grove’s new deputy. Swedberg shared that Gehrke is currently in field training.
New Business
Senior audit manager, Lane Kockelman’s, from Abdo, presentation was scheduled to join the meeting virtually to provide the 2023 final audit. Mayor Solum stated, “We cannot get the presentation working,” so Kockelman will attend the August meeting to provide the report instead.
Elton shared that Patrick Longmire, owner of Fat Pat’s Brewery in town, brought up the inclusion of residential only parking signs along 1st Avenue SE. Elton stated there were complaints about parking. Councilor Turner acknowledged that the street gets pretty tight at times. Resident John Sylling asked if paper signs could be put out specifying residential parking. Mayor Solum questioned how to enforce residential parking. Councilor Folstad added that the residential parking could act as a deterrent. “I like John’s idea,” praised Solum. Folstad recommended Longmire could put on his Facebook page about the parking. The council agreed that Longmire could set out cones with paper specifying residential parking to give it a try. The parking issue will be brought up again at the August council meeting.
Kwik Trip’s application for a Tetrahydrocannabinol/Cannabinoid product annual license received full council approval. Elton stated that the application was for beverages since smoke products are not legal yet. Other Kwik Trip locations, including Caledonia, are doing this.
Elton shared that the state of Minnesota has repealed some of Spring Grove’s citations. Mayor Solum asked, “So every time we submit it (citation) there’s a cost?” Elton responded yes. Councilor Folstad questioned if the League of Minnesota Cities knows anything. Elton responded no. Solum said to keep calling around to get ahold of someone. Elton further informed that it is just Spring Grove experiencing this issue. Old citations have been sent back. Attorneys are currently trying to straighten everything out with this issue, with the city paying the attorney fees.
Council members agreed to meet with Spring Grove Schools superintendent Rachel Udstuen to discuss softball field options. Right now, Spring Grove Schools is looking into the town’s community garden for a possible location for a new softball field. “I’m willing to have a conversation with them,” says Solum. “I’d like to hear more of their ideas,” added Turner. Hagen stated he is against moving the softball field to the community garden. Elton will reach out to Udstuen about setting up a date, time, and location to meet. The council hopes to meet at the shelter outside the Fest Building.
Robin Bartell, owner of Top Dog Custom Apparel & Screenprinting, has an opportunity to offer a work study program for website design. Bartell sought council approval to allow a student to come do the program, to which the council agreed.
Councilor Folstad moved, seconded by Turner, to raise the pay from $10 to $15 per meal. The meal is for council members if traveling is required.
After discussion on all items, the council meeting adjourned at 7:01 p.m.
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