Spring Grove City Council members met Tuesday, December 17 at 168 West Main Street in room #100. Mayor Saundra Solum called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. then led with the Pledge of Allegiance. Council members present included Heather Edgington, Karen Folstad, Trent Turner, Mike Hagen, and Solum. City employees present were Erin Konkel, the city’s treasurer deputy clerk. City Clerk/Administrator Jana Elton was absent so Konkel filled in for her.
The council unanimously approved to adopt both the Agenda and Consent Agenda as presented.
Following the Agenda and Consent Agenda’s adoption, Mayor Solum welcomed participants to speak during Open Forum. Each participant is allowed two minutes to speak. One resident voiced their concern about floride in the water supply. Konkel responded that everything is within regulation but the floride concern will be noted.
The council then moved on to the Truth in Taxation hearing. Konkel shared that the proposed tax levy is to be 3%. Mayor Solum read off expenditures. One resident addressed the council, stating the amount should be lower due to Northern Engraving not present in Spring Grove anymore. Solum responded that without Northern Engraving, there is now less revenue coming in. Property related questions were asked, Solum redirected these residents to contact the assessor’s office with the county as the city has no control over the assessed value of properties. Councilor Turner moved, seconded by Folstad, to approve Resolution 24-59 the 2025 levy. Motion carried.
Courtney Bergey Swanson of CEDA (Community Economic Development Associates) informed the council on possible options for filling the space where Mulqueen’s Hardware store once stood. Swanson shared the most cost effective option would be for a public-private partnership. Swanson has been busy looking into funding options. There are available grants that are time sensitive. There are also other grant opportunities out there that are time sensitive when it comes to applying for them. Swanson questioned the council on whether or not to move forward with the planning process. Councilor Edgington chimed in, stating that additional funding could come to the table later on while the city is in the process of building. Edgington questioned Swanson on whether or not the grants require matching funds. Swanson continued, she explained that the situation is a market failure with things being so expensive today. Swanson hopes that the city will not need to utilize a loan. Mayor Solum added that if the city gets a developer there could be some shared costs.
Swanson presented some diagrams that gave an idea as to what the apartments could look like if placed in the space where Mulqueen’s Hardware store used to be. The proposal models New Richmond, which ISG worked with.
Swanson further explained that the schematic phase of the project can be covered using funds from Blandin. If the city is to move forward, the schematic phase will be done first.
Councilor Edgington chimed in, “I wish there was an easier way to fill the hole.” Councilor Turner added that he thinks the city will be throwing away money with this project. Turner acknowledged that grants are a wonderful thing, but, they are not guaranteed. Edgington responded that if the city moves forward with the project then the city is not out any money. Councilor Hagen voiced that there is nothing to lose here as it is a free ride to the next step.
Councilor Hagen asked for further clarification about grants if the project is shut down in that he wanted to be sure the city will not owe money back.
The council approved in a 4-1 vote to move forward with the next step which is the schematic design, then to reevaluate.
Turner moved, seconded by Folstad, to have the Fest Building available from January 2 through March 31, 7 a.m.-noon Monday through Friday for walkers and pickleball unless the bulding is rented out for an event. Motion carried. Molly Wiste addressed the council about the inclusion of evening hours for those with Monday-Friday day jobs. Wiste explained that there are people interested in possibly Wednesday evenings and Sunday afternoons. Konkel explained that one person could be in charge and will need to sign paperwork accepting responsibility. Wiste will touch base with Konkel on specific dates/times.
The council unanimously approved the hiring of Joshua Mattson, Ethan Atkinson and Garrett Wiese as firemen.
Turner moved, seconded by Folstad, to write off parcel 260078000, $1,481.61 for unpaid utilities. This had been for Little Gnome. Motion carried.
The council also approved to write off parcel 260572000, $203.90 for a windscreen replacement. This occurred at the tennis court with a minor involved.
This was Mayor Solum’s and Councilor Folstad’s last council meeting. Solum thanked everyone for the last two years she served on the council. She wished everyone the best.
The council entered a closed session involving union negotiations.
The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
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