Spring Grove City Council members met Tuesday, November 19 at 168 West Main Street in Room #100. Mayor Saundra Solum called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. and led with the Pledge of Allegiance. Council members present included Mayor Solum, Heather Edgington, Trent Turner, Mike Hagen and Karen Folstad. City Clerk/Administrator Jana Elton was also present.
The council unanimously approved to adopt both the Agenda and Consent Agenda after one new item had been added under New Business, the new item added included approval for Giants of the Earth to obtain a temporary liquor license.
No participants spoke during Open Forum.
Spring Grove’s city council meetings will now be aired on YouTube so people who are unable to attend meetings in person can watch the meetings remotely.
Old Business
An update had been provided in regards to Spring Grove’s feral cat problem. In the last month, animal control officer Isaak Solum live trapped 17 cats, five possums, and two raccoons. The city was billed for the trapping of 12 of these cats. No animals were euthanized.
New Business
Amy Gehrke introduced herself at the meeting as Spring Grove’s new deputy. “Welcome and thanks for being here!” enthused Mayor Solum.
Local business owner, Josh Myhre of Lions Pub in Spring Grove, addressed the council seeking permission to keep the bar open until 2 a.m. on certain days. Myhre shared that customers are going to Caledonia’s Elsie’s or Dorchester due to those establishments being open longer. Myhre stated that he wanted to stay open longer as a means to earn extra money, which is especially important in the restaurant industry. Mayor Solum listed off some potential options. Councilor Hagen commented that if the Lions Pub received permission to stay open longer, then the offer must extend to everyone else, too. City Clerk/Administrator Elton acknowledged that businesses are closing and right now there is a business in Spring Grove wanting to stay open longer. The council approved to allow entities to extend their hours to 2 a.m. if they pay an additional $50 for their liquor license; this will take effect immediately after payment of approval.
Viking Electric installed new lighting for Spring Grove’s courts. They originally stated an amount they would do the work for, however, the cost turned out to be more than expected. In turn, Viking Electric asked the city for additional reimbursement. The owner wants his workers to receive reimbursement. The council approved to split the difference in cost with Viking Electric.
Councilor Folstad moved, seconded by Turner, to approve Mayor Solum to fill in for Turner at the Union Negotiations. Motion carried.
Courtney Bergey Swanson of CEDA (Community and Economic Development Associates) informed the cCouncil about potential housing options in Spring Grove. Swanson stated a housing study had been done and a number of potential housing sites around Spring Grove had been looked into. A possible opportunity of 2.5 acres exists at the Fest grounds. The design put together included a pocket neighborhood that could fit about 15 homes within that 2.5 acre space. The study revealed the village motel site to likely never be ideal for housing. Swanson shared that there are grant opportunities opening up early next year for infrastructure, with more information being available within the next month or two. Mayor Solum responded, “It’s always good to be thinking about this.” Councilor Folstad added that with more people in Spring Grove, taxes can be spread out. In closing, Mayor Solum asked, “Any questions on the housing concepts?”
Elton shared the city received two zoning permit applications since the last meeting, both being fence permits.
Mayor Solum clarified that Spring Grove will not have a hardware store downtown, as that is not an option. Solum acknowledged that Spring Grove needs a hardware store and that there are other possible options, just not downtown.
The council briefly discussed options for filling the space where the hardware store once stood.
Swanson informed the Council that Spring Grove’s Cinema was opened for sale by bid, in which Lucas Hall’s bid had been selected, which means he will take ownership. Hall plans to continue running the Cinema.
The council meeting adjourned at 7:13 p.m.
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