Spring Grove City Council members met Tuesday, March 18 at 168 West Main Street in room #100. Mayor Bryan Wilhelmson called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. after brief technical difficulties, then led with the Pledge of Allegiance. Council members present included Mayor Wilhelmson, Trent Turner, Mike Hagen, Heather Edgington and Morgan Buckland. City employees present included City Clerk/Administrator Jana Elton.
The council unanimously adopted both the Agenda and Consent Agenda after two additional items were added.
No participants spoke during Open Forum.
Old Business
Council members briefly discussed the property the city owns at 194 West Main Street; the city currently rents the property to a tenant as the property is not in use. The renter’s lease was set to expire March 1, 2025, with the renter requesting a three-month extension. Councilor Edgington asked if rental costs could be looked into if lease is extended an additional three months. Mayor Wilhelmson questioned if any other renters expressed interest, to which City Clerk/Adminstrator Elton responded, “No.” Other than rent the property out, the city is unsure what will become of the property. Elton reminded the council that the tenant only asked for an additional three months and that the tenant is not interested to be locked into a year-long lease. Council members looked at the lease agreement, which stated that at the end of the lease the renter will pay month to month. Turner commented, “She’s (the renter) got flexibility now.” The council all agreed to allow the renter the three month extension.
A representative from CEDA (Community and Economic Development Associates) joined the meeting via speaker phone. Councilor Hagen voiced his concern in that he thought CEDA should prioritize projects. Turner added that CEDA should set an anchor project first. Councilor Edgington questioned, “What would people feel the priorities are?” Turner firmly stated childcare to be the top priority. Councilor Buckland brought up grants in that specific grants should be sought for specific projects that are needed instead of seeking grants just because they are available. Turner added that there are a number of projects going on that things are getting spread thin. Mayor Wilhelmson recommended CEDA to come to Spring Grove at minimal of three days each week. Turner added that there should be more focus in helping more businesses currently in Spring Grove. The CEDA representative on the phone commented that she appreciated the Council’s input and that it could be arranged for someone to be present in Spring Grove four days each week if wanted. The council agreed to hold a joint meeting with the EDA Tuesday, April 8 at 6:30 p.m. at the Fest Building.
New Business
The council approved the following requests from the Syttende Mai Committee:
- To close Maple Drive on the West side of the Park and 1st Avenue NE on the east side of the park for Saturday, May 17.
- To close North Division Avenue on the East side of the American Legion on Saturday, May 17.
- To make two routes with one-sided parking only to limit traffic congestion for Saturday, May 17.
- To use the lot space by the pool for the circus, with two shows being held Wednesday, August 6.
Turner moved, seconded by Buckland, to approve the Chamber in putting up signs at each end of the town showcasing Music and Market on Wednesdays if the Chamber receives permission from MnDOT. Elton added that the signage was to be inclusive with Music in the Park. Motion carried.
The city received four applicants interested in the soon to be vacant position on the Spring Grove City Council. Two of the applicants were present at the meeting with the other two applicants being unable to attend. Elton stated she will reach out to set up a meeting at the city office where each applicant will be interviewed. The four applicants included Eric Ostern, Harlee Gavin, Sammi Boyd and Rinda Connelly.
Councilor Hagen moved, seconded by Turner, to approve the hiring of Jan Lochner as library aide. Motion carried.
Meeting Reports
Councilor Edgington shared that EDA’s meeting consisted mainly about childcare.
Councilor Hagen informed that Parks & Recreation discussed pickleball season being extended. New volunteers will be recruited for the flower pots.
No meetings took place for Planning & Zoning or the Library.
The Spring Grove City Council meeting adjourned at 7:51 p.m.
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