Due to COVID-19, the regular April 20, 2020, Spring Grove Public Schools meeting was held in compliance with Minnesota’s requirements for remote board meetings.
Consent agenda items approved included the agenda, minutes from the March meeting, Treasurer’s report and payment of monthly bills, the second reading of revised policies 419 Tobacco-Free environment and 534 Unpaid Meal Charges, and the first reading of new policy: 535 Service Animals in Schools; and the hiring of head football coach, Kody Moore.
Principal Report
There are not any MCA or MTA tests scheduled or ACTs pending. AP tests are to be taken by students at home on their own devices during May 11-22, with makeup dates scheduled for June 1-5.
Announcements regarding upcoming celebrations and ceremonies and a letter announcing the graduation speakers will be forthcoming.
Paraprofessionals are working with the school’s Protected Class Child Care Students. Teachers are having conversations with parents to monitor student attendance and engagement and looking at ways to assist students that are not participating online. Teachers are collecting data to see what distant learning looks like as it pertains to teacher attendance.
On April 24 at 6:30 p.m., there will be a school parade. The parade will allow teachers to say hi to their students while adhering to social distance policies. The parade will start at the school wind through Spring Grove and end at Trinity Lutheran’s parking lot. The parade’s rain date is scheduled for Monday, April 27.
Administration and teachers will meet with seniors on Tuesday, April 21, at 7 p.m. to hear how seniors envision their milestones.
Superintendent Report
The focus of the school during COVID-19 is putting relationships at the top and asking for feedback and adjusting.
The administration is reminding the teachers that they need to take care of themselves. Teachers were asked to keep a daily log, so everyone knows what the new workday looks like. The teachers are getting really good feedback from parents and are making adjustments each day as new situations arise.
The paraprofessionals are a critical component as the school is providing services to essential workers. The kitchen staff is amazing and are serving over 200 meals a day. The meals served are more than a cold sandwich. The meals served are what the students are used to eating during the school year; thus, providing students with consistency, which is what they need at this time.
Staff are identifying the biggest bonfires and have been recording many hours, putting them out. Now they only have campfires to put out.
By day three of distance learning, every family had access to fiber optics.
The students are starting to give feedback. The feedback is illustrating the students’ emotions and that the students are trying to see the positive light in the current situation.
Now it is time to think about what is next. Will school resume in May? What school will look like when students return? What will school look like this fall?
Two quotes were received to remodel the six bathrooms in the lower elementary building. The quote from Pleasant Hill for $71,700 was accepted.
General Business
The current economic environment has caused the production of Spring Grove-opoly to be put on hold. The conversation was tabled until a later date.
The 2020-21 and the first draft of the 2021-22 calendar were presented to the board and approved.
The board approved Minnesota Statutes 13D.021 – Meeting by Telephone or Other Electronic Means until further notice.
Due to the current federal and state emergency declarations and guidance about limiting person-to-person contact due to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, by action of the school board of Spring Grove School District all future meetings of the Spring Grove School District School Board will be conducted in accordance with Minnesota Statutes 13D.021 – Meeting by Telephone or Other Electronic Means – until further notice.
Due to the health pandemic, the school board has determined that it is not feasible for at least one board member, the superintendent, or the school district’s legal counsel to be physically present at the regular meeting location. It is also not feasible for the public to attend at the regular meeting location due to the health pandemic.
In accordance with Minnesota Statues 13D.021 members of the public are not permitted to attend the meeting due to the current health pandemic. Persons may monitor this meeting from a remote location by contacting the district office at 507-498-3221 or rachel.udstuen@springgrove.k12.mn.us to attend the meeting by Google Hangout.
Public comment for school board meetings may be submitted as follows: tanya.elton@springgrove.k12.mn.us.
The regular monthly school board meeting will be held Monday, May 18, 2020, at 7 p.m. via Google Meet or telephone. For assistance monitoring the meeting, contact the district office at 507-498-3221 or rachel.udstuen@springgrove.k12.mn.us.
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