By Katie Drewitz
As you look at your spring to-do list one of the first things should be getting a soil test done, if you have not done one in the past three years. Under-standing your soil is important for a successful lawn or garden. Soil analysis can help to determine the current state of the soil. You will also receive recommendations for best performance.
This time of year I get numerous phone calls asking what combination of fertilizers and other soil additives should be added. By simply sending a sample of your soil to a qualified lab you can remove the guesswork out of fertilizer recommendations. This not only makes good economic sense but also helps ensure fertile soils without excess fertilizer application. Excess fertilizer can result in undesired plant growth and contribute to pollution in the environment.
Results of the soil test include data on soil fertility, pH, and organic matter. In addition fertilizer recommendations are provided according to the soil test data. A standard test from the University of Minnesota Soil Testing Laboratory will include soil texture, organic matter, phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and pH. The most common fertilizer used for a fertility program is Nitrogen. Nitrogen (N) is not commonly included with the test results because of its mobile and ever-changing chemical forms in the soil. However, recommendations are given based on lawn care practices, plant or crops being grown as indicated on the form. The standard UMN soil test will cost $20. Additional testing can be added for small fees but starting with the basic test is usually recommended.
More than one sample may need to be collected and analyzed in your yard and garden. For example, one sample from your vegetable garden and a second from your lawn should be collected. The soil test form provides instructions on how to collect a sample.
The University of Minnesota Soil Testing Laboratory completes soil analysis for fields, lawns and gardens. A local private lab may also be an option for you. Most county Extension offices have the submission forms and soil testing bags. The information can also be found at If you have questions about this or any other agriculture or horticulture topic, please reach out to your local Extension educator. Fillmore and Houston County residents can call (507) 765-3896 or (507) 725-5807.
Katie Drewitz is the University of Minnesota Extension Agriculture, Production, Horticulture & Natural Resources educator for Fillmore and Houston Counties.
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