The Lanesboro community will see a total of six people running for the three positions on the school board this fall. At the regular August board meeting, board member Steve Snyder responded to the news with a chuckle, “I like competition!” He was just joking – his position is not even up for election.
The board members up for election include Christine Troendle, Sarah Peterson and Mark Holmen. The school will post the notice of the school board election and a sample ballot prior to the election.
Once again, Superintendent Matt Schultz used the Lanesboro School goals to guide his report to the board. Principal James Semmen is working to contact the training company to set a schedule for the necessary READ act training for the teachers.
A grant to purchase a plasma table for use in CTE classes is being applied for. The table, while expensive, will be a great addition to the CTE classes.
In order to continue working toward improved communication with students and community, staff will be given two hours of training during the fall workshop on the use of Apptegy, the school’s website and communication company.
The dehumidification units are being installed for the second floor elementary classrooms. The school is working on a plan to dehumidify the rest of the school as well.
Superintendent Schultz has accepted a position on the teacher and paraprofessional work group for the state legislature.
Schultz gratefully acknowledged that Connaughty Sales of Rushford has donated a rack for the shop class.
Schultz outlined the timeline for back to school activities. Fall sports have already begun. New teachers begin August 23 with all teachers beginning the following week. Seventh grade orientation will take place August 28 at 6:30 p.m. Taher, the new food service for the school, will also hold an open house complete with samples during the seventh grade orientation.
The board approved the hiring of elementary teacher Savanna Frie and new van drivers Austin Bahler and Terry Nenemen. The resignation of custodian Aaron Brand and the hiring of new custodian Shawn Voeltz were approved.
Updated prices for milk, juice and adult breakfast and lunch were approved. Separate milk and juice will be 50 cents, adult breakfast will be $2.50 and adult lunch will be $5. Students will continue to receive free complete lunch and breakfast.
The Truth in Taxation meeting was set for December 11 at 7 p.m. This is the same date as the regular December board meeting which will be held following the Truth in Taxation meeting.
The board completed a second reading of policies 410, 413, 414, 415, 418 and 419; the policies were approved with no further discussion. A first reading of policy 422 was done. This policy basically states that the 500 series policies also apply to the adults in the school. A second reading will be done of policy 422 at the September meeting.
Superintendent Schultz shared that $2,500 had been donated to the scholarship fund. The board gratefully accepted the donation and thanked the community for their support.
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