Who are single-issue voters? Often conservative Christians are accused of voting on one issue and one issue only, and we only vote for candidates who are anti-abortion.
In many ways, that is a grossly simplistic assertion given the complexity of our lives and our political system. Having observed the left’s efforts, through courts, to penalize those who, because of their faith, refuse to bake cakes, cater to, photograph, or provide flowers for homosexual weddings, we are concerned about other things to include literally the freedom to practice our religion. Not to mention specifically homosexual “marriage” mandated by the federal judiciary. Plus, many other concerns to include things that affect our daily lives such the economy and tax rates. On the national level, our country’s security. And so on.
But there are real single-issue voters and unfortunately, their numbers are substantial. For way too many, all it takes is for an “R” or a “D” in front or back of candidate’s name and that’s all it takes. “R” good or bad no matter the issue or candidate. “D” good or bad no matter the issue or candidate.
How else do you explain people who claim to be Christians and go to church every Sunday, but vote for the Democrat party of abortion? Or how do you explain those who do not go to church, support “legalized” abortion, yet vote for Republicans. Sometimes they tell us that grandpa and grandma were Republicans or Democrats and mom and dad were too. And I’m dumb enough to make it a family tradition.
People pick sides and stay there for many reasons and many of those are simply irrational. For example, hatred for Trump is a driving factor in this year’s election and is the principle plank in the Democrat platform. Far more important apparently, than the performance of the economy, reduced numbers on both food stamps and unemployment, plus tax reductions that put more money our pockets and far more good news for America.
Others are afraid to leave the “herd” they live and work in. They don’t want to be “different” or “ostracized” from friends and colleagues because of different views. The education establishment, top to bottom, is a good example. Hollywood is another.
We should be voting on what we believe in and stand for and not for a specific political party. Not ever. In some measure that does happen though far too rarely. That is why Trump got elected. Many in our country were and are simply fed up with the establishment and policies of both the Democrats and Republicans. His election reflects our discontent with both.
Part of the reason is that we have seen through all of never-ending promises that never come to fruition. We are sick and tired of all of it and way too many of them. In many respects, as we see over and over again, “R” + “D” = “ES” (Republicans plus Democrats equal the Establishment Swamp).
But if your principles and what you believe in are determined by the “R” or “D” political party, go ahead and continue to modify, “evolve,” and change your positions accordingly. Even if they violate the morals and ethics you once held, tell us you still support, and supposedly live, or once lived by. And are counter to the evidence. The performance of America’s economy today versus that of Obama for example.
Some tell us that today’s remarkable economic growth was established by the foundation Obama provided. But how could he do that if he believed America’s best days were behind us and that it was his job to manage our decline? Really, you can’t have it both ways.
Belief in what it says in the Bible is flexible and much can be ignored. But your belief in the “D” or “R” is inflexible though everything you “stand-for” and “believe-in” is. “D” or “R” takes precedence over all, including the Bible. And over your Christian “faith.”
Last, “independents” are interesting. They often say they listen to both sides, then make up their minds. So do I. Then I look at the results and factual evidence. That is why I am a conservative.
Drain the swamp! MAGA!
Thomas E.H. says
//Some tell us that today’s remarkable economic growth was established by the foundation Obama provided.//
Some tell us? What do the records show us? Yup. Definitely established by the Obama administration.
// But how could he do that if he believed America’s best days were behind us and that it was his job to manage our decline?/?
I think he believes the best days are still ahead of us, Stan the man. Check this out: https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/01/05/508339264/obama-to-the-american-people-our-best-days-are-still-ahead
Look, see? It says right there what he says.
But who really cares about that anyway? What you say he believed has no impact on the actual outcome.
//Really, you can’t have it both ways.//
Really, you can. Someone can be pessimistic about something only to have the fruits of their labour outperform that pessimism. It’s not that hard, Stanly.
Daniel says
This guy is unbelievable.
George says
The DOW almost tripled on Obama’s watch and unemployment was cut in half, not to mention plummeting gas prices. Home values went way up again too.
How is “homosexual” marriage affecting your daily life?
No wonder trump loves the ignorant and poorly educated.