Ugly walls succumb to tunnels, ladders, and cutting tools. We have better, much cheaper alternatives to Trump’s racist symbol. I’m tired of the BS. It is an anti-Statue of Liberty; a big “You’re not welcome, Latinos,” blight on our nation. Trump has awakened us to the ugly underbelly of American racism. Now we know that it never really left. About 40% support Trump and about 40% support the wall. Curiously, a large percentage of white evangelical Christians still support Trump. Obviously, Christianity is in crisis in America when Jesus’ teachings are simply ignored. Trump’s government shutdown is causing harm all across our nation. All the while, Trump and his Republican News Network are stealing truth and sowing ignorance. Trump’s criminalities will slowly bleed out. I hope our nation’s heart and soul aren’t slowly bleeding out.
Greg Rendahl
Ostrander, Minn.
Hawkeye63 says
@George, So AOC comes up with her incredibly wacky GREEN NEW DEA and gets a whole bunch of loony Democrat POTUS candidates and legislators to sign on, Omar sticks her foot in her mouth bashing Jewish people, and Democrats in several states expect us to believe they care about families and children while they push for laws that allow the murder of defenseless babies up to and even AFTER birth, and you tell us
Bwa ha ha!!! You are a hoot! Something is coming unglued allright! The Democrat party!
George says
Trumpanzees are coming unglued. It’s a never ending source of amusement for me!
Kim Wentworth says
Silly boy, why you think that? With MN now being partially represented by the PLO, the sper retard AOC stepping in “it” every day.poor nancy having to put up with wacho progressives taking over her party…her daddy must be rolling over in his grave. Oh, have not seen hitlery for a while. Maybe she finally realizes her time is up. Hopefully the chick is at a Betty Ford clinic.
Hawkeye63 says
@George, So AOC comes up with her incredibly wacky GREEN NEW DEA and gets a whole bunch of loony Democrat POTUS candidates and legislators to sign on, Omar sticks her foot in her mouth bashing Jewish people, and Democrats in several states expect us to believe they care about families and children while they push for laws that allow the murder of defenseless babies up to and even AFTER birth, and you tell us
Bwa ha ha!!! You are a hoot! Something is coming unglued allright! The Democrat party!
Hawkeye63 says
Somebody better tell the Latino Americans they are supposed to hate Mr. Trump. Several recent polls show his popularity has jumped 20 points among likely Latino voters since the 2016 election.
They must like the fact that Latino unemployment is at an all time low and that Trump policies are respectful of the fact that Latinos who came to America legally do not deserve to have their communities overrun by lawbreakers who bypass immigration rules.
Walls are a good and effective tool, very useful when used in conjunction with other technologies. Walls also reduce the need for border agents to patrol large expanses of unsecured territory, thus able to check more vehicles at checkpoints.
It’s just common sense, Mr. Rendahl. Put aside your hate for Mr. Trump and admit he has a duty to protect Americans citizens and sovereignty, and is merely trying to fulfil that duty.
Thomas E.H. says
@ Hawkeye
//Several recent polls show his popularity has jumped 20 points…//
What was the margin of error on that poll and what was the sample size?
I thought Republicans didn’t trust polls. Or are you just like far left Democrats and only trust the polls that favor your argument?
Kim Wentworth says
Tommy, you are right. Polls are silly. In the words of one the most politically astute politicians in the history of U.S. politics, William Jefferson Clinton: “Its the economy stupid”. Says it all. You should know that.
Thomas E.H. says
@ Kimmy
You are quite right!
Which is unfortunate, of course, because we have become such a materialistic culture obsessed with how well so few are doing.
Kim Wentworth says
“Few” are doing? I think you better do some research on that statement. Unemployment down across the board. Your outdated class warfare is as outdated as a Jimmy Carter bumper sticker. Look at your democratic party: first was the hitlery debacle in 2016 and the fake news of Russia collusion and her RAPING of poor bernie. Now 2018 and the attempt of communists to take over your party…even Nancy knows total B.S. when shoved in her face. Now the green new deal, so laughable yet so sad. Some half way good people on your side looking like mindless, spineless idiots. And MY POTUS just keeps on getting more support. Between the libtards here in MN, and your babe from N.Y. they are guaranteeing an easy Trump win in 2020. You are funny but so easy lil boy.
Thomas E.H. says
You got me pegged wrong there.
You won’t see my endorsement of the green new deal. And the Dem problem started long before Clinton!