The Preston and Rushford Food Shelves are participating in the 2019 Open Your Heart to the Hungry and Homeless Summer Challenge, a donation drive sponsored by Open Your Heart to the Hungry and Homeless and Hunger Solutions, that takes place in July. As a member of Hunger Solutions Minnesota, Semcac is eligible to receive a percentage of grant funds designated for this challenge. The grant amount given to each food shelf will depend upon the amount raised during the month of July. Therefore, more donations mean more grant money.
Preston Food Shelf
In 2018, the Preston Food Shelf served 247 households who made 1,415 visits, and received 70,723 pounds of food and goods. Donations of cash, food, and other products help make this possible.
To donate, make checks payable to Semcac Preston Food Shelf. Note Open Your Heart on the memo line or on an enclosed letter. Bring to the Preston Semcac location at 515 Washington Street NW or mail to Semcac, P.O. Box 549, Rushford, Minn. 55971.
Rushford Food Shelf
In 2018, the Rushford Food Shelf served 207 households who made 1,325 visits, and received 72,046 pounds of food and goods. Donations of cash, food, and other products help make this possible.
To donate, make checks payable to Semcac Rushford Food Shelf. Note Open Your Heart on the memo line or on an enclosed letter. Bring to the Rushford Food Shelf location at the Tenborg Center, 113 East Jessie, Tuesday or Thursday or bring to the Semcac office at 204 S. Elm St., or mail to Semcac, P.O. Box 549, Rushford, Minn. 55971.
To donate with a credit or debit card for either food shelf, please access our PayPal or page at Thank you for helping us end hunger in our communities!
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