Semcac Head Start provides scholarship-based education for qualifying families of children from birth to age five and pregnant women. We participate in the Parent Aware Child Care rating system for licensed providers and consistently achieve a 4-Star rating, which is the highest possible.
Early Head Start for Birth
to Three-Year-Olds
Semcac Head Start offers a home-based option in Fillmore and Houston Counties for eligible families expecting a baby and/or with children birth to age three. In our home based option, a qualified educator comes to your home weekly to focus on parent-child activities, child development, and family well-being. Home visits are paired with socialization events for families and children two times per month. Socializations are an opportunity for families to build relationships with each other and for children to practice using social skills they have been learning during Home Visits. Early Head Start programming is offered year round and always taking applications.
Head Start for Three-
to Five-Year-Olds
Semcac Head Start engages in a collaborative partnership with Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center in rural Lanesboro. The classroom operates seven hours per day, Monday through Thursday during the school year. Children are provided a quality indoor education program, which is extended into the natural outdoor environment. Children explore the wooded natural environment daily, with the classroom teaching team as guides. Transportation is available through Rolling Hills Transit from Preston. In Houston County, we have a collaborative partnership with Discovery Preschool, within La Crescent/Hokah School District’s Community Education and with the Spring Grove Public Schools in their preschool classroom. These are scholarship-based program for families who qualify through Head Start. In all of our partnership sites, Head Start team members collaborate with school district teams to offer comprehensive, quality services for enrolled families.
What Makes Early Head
Start and Head Start Unique?
Semcac Head Start has been proudly providing services to area families since 1967. Our mission is to empower all children and families to reach their goals as well as foster strong relationships, offer multi-generational support, and provide family, education, and health services. We are strong proponents for the philosophy that families are a child’s first and most important teacher. In an effort to support families in being partners in their child’s educational career, Head Start Team Members support them in their role as the primary decision makers for their children. Head Start also partners with community services to strengthen each family’s self-reliance in meeting their goals. Our team members are continuously trained to provide individualized educational opportunities that meets all children’s needs, including children with special needs and children who are English language learners. Team members help connect families with needed community resources, which can help them reach their goals and improve their entire family’s well-being. Programs offer comprehensive services that include medical, dental, nutrition, and behavioral supports to benefit each child. Families are encouraged to volunteer in our classrooms and team members support them in advocating for their child and family. Parent leaders have a voice in key decisions in our program through policy council and parent meetings.
Interested in Applying?
All interested families are encouraged to apply! Our focus is to serve families based on income, following federal guidelines. Families receiving SNAP or MFIP, foster children and homeless children are automatically eligible.
Apply online at or contact our enrollment coordinator, Erica, at (507)703-0556. You can also reach out to Lynn at Semcac’s Preston Outreach Office by calling (507)765-2761. In Houston County, families can contact Michelle at our Caledonia Outreach Office by calling (507)725-3677.
Head Start Works! We look forward to partnering with you to spark a love of learning in your child and to support your family’s well-being. Visit our website at for more information, including our application which you can complete on the website.
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