In May of 2016, the Fillmore Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) awarded a $500 scholarship to Fillmore Central High School senior, Lexi Dols, the daughter of Sean Dols and Deb Dols of Preston. Lexi’s future plans are to attend UW River Falls to obtain a degree to become a Veterinary Technician and also obtain a degree in Business Management.
You can apply for the $500 scholarship which is awarded each year to a graduating Fillmore County high school senior who is pursuing a degree in natural resources, agriculture or other related field. Applications are available at the SWCD office in Preston or online at Submit a completed application along with the required essay on “What Natural Resource Conservation Means to Me” by 4 p.m. on Friday, March 31, 2017 to the SWCD office.
The applications will be reviewed by the Fillmore Board of Supervisors at their April 2017 meeting, when the scholarship recipient is chosen.
In August of 2016, the Fillmore SWCD awarded a $500 scholarship to Ryan Mayer, the son of Randy and Tanny Mayer of Harmony. Ryan’s plans are to obtain a job as a management trainee in the seed production field and eventually move up to becoming a field agronomist within a seed production plant.
If you are a returning college sophomore, junior, or senior; are pursuing a degree in natural resources, agriculture, or related field; are enrolled in classes for fall; and are not a prior scholarship recipient, you can apply for the $500 scholarship. The process is the same. Complete the application, include the essay on “What Natural Resource Conservation Means to Me”, and have it to the SWCD office by 4 p.m. on Friday, July 28, 2017. The application can also be picked up at the SWCD office in Preston or is available on our website at
The returning college student applications will be reviewed and a winner selected by the Fillmore SWCD Board of Supervisors at their August 2017 meeting.
More information may be obtained by contacting the SWCD office at (507) 765-3878, ext. 3.
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