Following a public hearing on June 12, the Rushford City Council approved rezoning the former Windswept Inn at their regular June 24 council meeting. The new owners, PPS Properties, LLC., intend to create apartments rather than operate a motel. The zoning has been changed from Arterial Commercial to Multi-Family Housing. The plan is to create eight efficiency apartments from the former motel and rent out the house. There are no plans to change the exterior size or structure. The general consensus was that additional housing was needed more in Rushford than the motel.
At the recommendation of the Board of Zoning, the council also approved a variance request from Travis Grant and Mariah Mueller to remove an existing garage and build a new garage at 609 E. Park Street with a fivefoot variance on the west side yard.
Julie and Gregory Buel received approval for a residential rehabilitation revolving loan not to exceed $24,735 for their home at 408 E. Rushford Avenue. The couple plans extensive remodeling including flooring, bathroom repairs and remodel, millwork, subfloor, storm doors and electrical. This loan was number 30 for the city. The city continues to offer revolving residential rehabilitation loans to its citizens.
Former Farmers Win
Survey Update
After beginning the survey of local residents just a week earlier, City Administrator Tony Chladek shared that they had already received 194 responses to the survey and expect to see even more in the coming weeks.
Chladek thanked MiEnergy and the Rushford Community Foundation for their help in mailing survey postcards. Postcards were mailed to all residents in the Rushford-Peterson district. The council encourages everyone to answer the survey whether they live in the city or not. This is a time when Rushford is seeking ideas from everyone in the area. Chladek thanked RP Valley Voice, and the Fillmore County Journal for their help with the kickoff as well.
The city website now has two buttons to directly connect people to the survey. One is for a printable survey; the other is a direct link to the online survey. City Hall also has preprinted surveys that can be picked up and dropped off at City Hall.
In addition, Chladek has been sending emails with the survey directly to businesses in town; Rushford-Peterson Valley Chamber of Commerce has also included the survey information in its mailer.
At this point, the environmental interior assessment of the building has been completed. No lead, asbestos or anything else concerning were found in the interior. The exterior assessment has yet to be done; at this time no core samplings have been done — no earth has been disturbed.
City Reports
Progress continues on the concrete work at the airport. The project will be soon reaching completion.
RAHS reported that MRHA (Milwaukee Road Historical Association), which is holding its convention in Winona, will be visiting the depot this week as they tour old Milwaukee Road depots in Peterson, Lanesboro, Preston, Harmony and Canton as well.
Girl Scouts Kendall and Kiersten O’Donnell were applauded for completing a Bronze Award Project at the Aquatic Center. The girls had identified low self esteem in youth as a problem in the community. They worked to create vinyl posters encouraging self esteem to be posted in the locker rooms.
Inquiries have been made about the possibility of taking signage from the old Farmers Win building for private collections. At this time, nothing is to be removed from the site. In the future, there will possibly be a public opportunity to purchase such mementos after a decision has been made on the future of the property. The council wants any interested parties to have equal opportunities.
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