Photo by Wanda Hanson
Superintendent Jon Thompson informed the Rushford-Peterson School board at their November 15 meeting that R-P falls under the mandate issued by federal OSHA that calls for employers of over 100 people to require employees to have COVID vaccines or take weekly COVID tests and wear masks. This is supposed to go into effect December 5, 2021. Currently, there are several court challenges across the country regarding the mandate. Thompson said that it’s very likely the cases will be consolidated to one case with the results of that case applying to all cases. Minnesota OSHA would then have 30 days to adopt the federal ETS or “just as effective measures.”
With 99 employees that regularly come to the school, Thompson initially thought the school would not have to comply; however, part-time employees, coaches, van drivers, and Kids’ Club staff also must be counted. This brings employees to about 128.
New board member Carl Schollmeier asked if it could be arranged so only 99 people were at the school at any given time. Thompson responded that even if employees are not actually in the building, they must be counted.
Matt Helgemoe suggested that perhaps current teaching staff and employees could take over coaching duties in addition to their duties to eliminate some employees. Thompson commented, “I don’t know how we can swing it. You’d be asking staff to do something they don’t want to do.”
Thompson went on, “We’ve been able to have local decisions on a lot of things; this is one time we don’t have that choice. The courts will decide that.”
According to Thompson, the district could be charged $13,000 for each violation of the order and the district could need to pay $136,532 in fines.
January 4, 2022, is the date for the ETS to go into effect. Since the mandate is currently in the courts and results will most likely be appealed, Thompson expects a delay in the effective date.
There are over 80% of the staff vaccinated according to Thompson. He is hopeful that any required weekly testing could be done at school.
Board Chairman Chris Grindland agreed that the board needed to watch and wait. He pointed out that some exemptions such as medical and religious are being allowed.
An emergency board meeting to adopt the ETS may be necessary when the cases are finished.

Photo by Wanda Hanson
Regular business
In other business, the board approved a resolution to combine polling places; this must be done yearly to avoid the necessity and expense of running 15 different polling places across the district. Next year the only polling place will be at the City of Rushford Village city hall.
The board approved a fund balance transfer of $36,750 from the general fund to community education. In the last few years, the board has transferred money to community education to cover the expenses of preschool. This year the program only overspent $5,800, less than had been anticipated when they budgeted. Thompson suggested transferring the $36,750 to help wipe out the deficit of over $115,000 in the community education fund. The board agreed to do so with no further discussion.
With the increased special education needs of students in the district, Thompson told the board the district would be advertising for another full-time SPED teacher. For now, Mr. Loney will be helping in SPED along with his duties in Community Ed and as activities director.
The teacher seniority list was accepted. Thompson informed the board that teacher negotiations have gone well with an agreement on the table. The contract will likely be on the agenda next month.
The board accepted donations to the school totaling $15,100.87. Of that amount, $7,289.50 came from the ever supportive R-P Booster Club. Arlin Falck Foundation donated $1,850 for scholarships, and the NRA Foundation donated a grant of $2,814.20.
Upcoming meeting dates include December 8 at 5:30 p.m. to review and approve the 2020-2021 school year audit; the next regular board meeting on December 20 at 5:30 p.m. with the truth-in-taxation meeting at 6:15 that same night; the organizational meeting for the board will be January 10, 2022, at 5:30 p.m.
The public is welcome to attend the meetings which are held in the Forum Room at R-P.
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