The regular meeting of the Rushford-Peterson School District #239 was called to order by Chairperson John Linder at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, April 20, 2020 virtually via Zoom.
Members Present: Chris Grindland, Valarie Howe, Joyce Iverson, John Linder, Jeff Michel, Bonnie Prinsen, & Kathy Wade
Members Absent: None
Administration Present: Superintendent Jon Thompson
District Office Personnel: Laura Hahn
Moved by Grindland, seconded by Prinsen to adopt the agenda with the following addition: Consent Agenda Item F. March Board Bills in the amount of $119,229.81; F. Personnel: Hire of Jacob Kramer – MS/HS Science Teacher. With a roll call vote of 7:0, motion carried unanimously.
There were no public comments.
Moved by Wade, seconded by Iverson to approve the following consent agenda items: March 16, 2020 Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes, Donations in the amount of $500, March hand payables, wires & payroll liabilities in the amount of $335,939.04, March payroll in the amount of $328,391.60, April board bills in the amount of $138,564.64; Personnel: Hire of Alexander Smothers – Middle School Social Studies Teacher and Hire of Jacob Kramer – MS/HS Science Teacher. With a roll call vote of 7:0, motion carried unanimously.
Moved by Iverson, seconded by Wade to approve the R-P Class of 2020 Graduates. With a roll call vote of 7:0, motion carried unanimously.
Superintendent Thompson reviewed upcoming Facility Improvement projects.
Moved by Iverson, seconded by Wade to approve the following proposals and purchases: Track improvements (Fisher Tracks) $66,869, Outdoor field work (Winona Nursery) $16,890 and Electrostatic Sprayer (Schilling Supply Company) $4,101.51. With a roll call vote of 7:0, motion carried unanimously.
Superintendent Thompson presented the Superintendent’s report.
Monday, May 18, 2020, 5:30 PM – Regular Monthly Meeting – Forum Room
Moved by Iverson, seconded by Grindland, to adjourn the regular meeting at 6:15 PM. With a roll call vote of 7:0, motion carried unanimously.
John Linder, Chairperson
Bonnie Prinsen, Clerk
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