Rushford-Peterson MiddleSchool/High School Principal Jake Timm and MSHS Counselor Jenny Helgemoe presented the R-P PSEO Policy and PSEO Helpful Hints documents to the R-P School Board for approval at their February 26 meeting. The intent of the policy is to get students to understand how PSEO (Post Secondary Enrollment Options) works.
Timm pointed out that a couple students occasionally fail or withdraw from a PSEO class. If a student withdraws from a PSEO class, they receive an F on their high school record. The onus is on the students to meet all requirements of a PSEO class and maintain a full-time credit status. The student is responsible for necessary access and transportation and for maintaining communication with R-P. Both parents and students will sign the policy, acknowledging their acceptance of it. Board member Nancy Snyder applauded the policy for clarifying the responsibility of the parents and students in PSEO.
In the helpful hints, students are advised to make sure they are fully prepared for the courses. Often college classes rely heavily on test and final exam scores with few smaller assignments for the grade. Students who usually rely on instructor assistance, may find it challenging to find time to meet as much with their college instructor. Another concern is that students sometimes load up on core subjects which are not needed as they work toward their degree; they were advised to consider taking classes to fulfill liberal arts requirements at their eventual school of choice.
Mr. Timm also shared the concurrent enrollment classes at R-P that allow students to take classes for both college and high school credit while remaining at R-P. Some teachers have purposefully gone back to earn degrees in specific fields to enable them to teach such concurrent classes. As an example, Joe Hatch recently earned a masters in math rather than a masters in education. With that degree, Hatch is able to teach concurrent classes and the school can offer college credit for the classes.
The school pays a flat rate of $3,000 to offer concurrent classes which is much less than PSEO expenses; in addition, the students remain at R-P and are able to work with teachers with whom they already are familiar.
Student Support Personnel Aid
Superintendent Dr. Ben Bernard shared the details of the 2023 LEG Student Support Personnel Aid with the board. With this funding from the state, each school district receives $40,000 to be used to hire additional personnel to support students; it cannot be used to pay personnel already on staff. In addition, HVED also will receive $40,000 for each of the member schools of HVED. R-P will have a total of $80,000 available to hire such personnel. This program will provide extra mental health support and will be in effect until 2027 for sure.
Seniors Trip to Galveston
Principal Timm also presented the itinerary of the senior class trip to Galveston,Tex., to the board for approval. After learning the price tag of the usual trip to Florida had drastically increased and students began dropping the trip until only about 10 kids were planning on going, Timm said the destination was changed to Galveston.
The trip price was set at $1,450 per student before fundraising. Timm reported that the seniors were excited about the plans; a student originally from the area put her stamp of approval on it, saying the venues to be visited were great. The seniors will be visiting Six Flags, Arlington as well as going on a Segway Tour and visiting Pleasure Pier Experience Midway in Galveston. They will spend a day at a nearby beach and/or have a fishing day; they will also take a harbor tour and a dolphin cruise before heading home.
Business Conducted
Business conducted by the board included:
• Authorizing Bernard to seek proposals for busing and garbage removal as well as bids for bread, milk, and gasoline;
• Hearing Bernard report that while enrollment is currently up 11 students from 2023, overall ADMs across the state are declining; Bernard cautioned that as fund balances go down due in part to inflation, they would need to be mindful as they budget;
• Listening to Bernard point out that usual maintenance such as parking lot resurfacing were necessary to save money in the long run.
The next R-P School Board meeting will be March 18 at 6 p.m. in the forum room; the public is welcome to attend.
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