Condensed Regular Rushford City Council Meeting Minutes of May 26, 2020. The full version of these minutes can be found on the City of Rushford website at or will be provided if requested via email or hard copy by contacting
Members Present: Mayor Benson, Council members O’Donnell, Ryman, Linder, Volkman
Staff Present: Administrator Chladek, Clerk/Treas. Zacher
The meeting was called to order by an electronic group meeting on Zoom.
Notices Review: Home Renovation Loan Program – Semcac sending out postcards also
Consent Agent: verified claims and fund summary report, approve Resolution to enter into Limited Use Permit with DOT for parklet and one bike rack on Hwy 30/Jessie St; renewal of last year
Held public hearing on proposed ATV/UTV Ordinance regulating use on public and private property in the City. Comments heard from participants and notes reviewed as submitted in advance of hearing. Notes reviewed from City Attorney. Council stressed concern for safety, requirement to be licensed driver, requirement for insurance, helmet use for children. Areas addressed regarding time of day use and safety features needed. Ordinance adopted with some modifications; permit to be annual $5.00 fee, term of 3 years. Publish and provide notification in newspaper, web page, face book and at area business locations. This ordinance is specific to this City; will be monitored as to use and/or misuse.
Accepted quote for seal coating projects throughout the City and awarded to Pearson Bros. Inc. $60,558.50.
Authorized application to MRWA for MIDI Loan to refinance the 2012 Levee Abatement Bond for potential saving. Mike Bubany to return to June meeting with proposals.
Extended garbage/recycling contract with Harter’s for three years; recycling to be every other week pickup but residents would receive recycling cart at no cost; monthly fee remains same first year, with potential of 4% COLA thereafter; red bag price will increase; special reduced rate for garbage cart being offered for those who prefer that. Changes take effect July, 2020.
State of MN/CDC guidelines reviewed for Phase #2 of business openings; relax rules for bars/restaurants to extend seating capacity onto city parking lots, sidewalks, right-way. Must provide insurance certificate to cover extended area; draw space to be used; follow Stay Safe MN guidelines for services offered.
Public Library continues with curb-side pickup; will phase in individuals using library and computers by appointment only.
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