To the Editor,
Jeff Erding has finally presented a worthwhile link to understanding what is wrong with America. The link he provided took me to It is a great place to get right wing talking points and help with racist and white supremacy thinking. This is another organization funded by the Bradley Foundation, a part of the Koch Brothers hard right lobbying efforts. It is interesting to read articles written regarding the bias of this organization. Just do a search. Or is this part of the plot by Russia to overthrow our elections? Wake up America! Talk to your neighbors. Find out what’s on their minds. And start thinking for yourselves. Democracy is supposed to be run by it’s citizens. Be a citizen. Get involved in local issues, write to your elected representatives and vote your conscience.
Don Bell
Lanesboro, Minn.
Aaron Bishop says
Greetings Jeff,
“I guess you answered my questions but lord man you are so verbose it’s time consuming to sort out the answers. You are indeed the king of internet research.” – You
Me “the atypical left”?
Jeffrey Erding says
Hi Aaron, without question!
Merry Christmas!
Aaron Bishop says
Merry Christmas
Jeffrey Erding says
Mr. Bell, your rebuttal is a real yawner. If you want to talk specifics, fine with me. If the best you can do is the standard left wing tactic of branding every Conservative publication a mouthpiece for the Koch brothers and everyone you disagree with a racist, a conversation with you is a waste of time and effort. Pathetic.
Andy OConnor says
Come on Jeff…You’re published multiple times/month and every talking point is how anyone who doesn’t love Trump, or agree with you, is wrong and automatically radical left wing liberal. You interpret your sources the way you interpret them and this man obviously sees it differently…that’s called a difference of opinion, not a real yawner and a waste of time as you say. We, ALL, need to have a lot more tact than that.
Jeffrey Erding says
@Andy, what you are missing is the consistent refusal of those on the left to engage on specific issues. I saw nothing in his rebuttal that indicated a desire to engage on anything; just to condemn and demonize, which is a typical tactic of the left.
How often do any of my critics ever show an inclination to engage on any specifics? Very seldom. His rebuttal is a yawner with no redeeming qualities. Period.