The University of Minnesota Extension is holding a series of virtual small grain workshops in February to address successful small grain management. “Whether you’re a farmer or crop consultant already producing small grains, or looking for another crop to add to the rotation, these workshops are for you,” says Jared Goplen, Extension Educator in Crops. “Workshops will be informal conversations around production agronomics, variety selection, and economics.” These workshops will be held over Zoom, so you can join these workshops from anywhere convenient for you, via computer, tablet, phone, or other mobile device. These workshops will be held in lieu of the in-person southern Minnesota small grain workshops in 2021. Workshops will focus on small grain production in southern Minnesota, but are open and applicable to all small grain producers. Workshops are sponsored by the Minnesota Wheat Research and Promotion Council.
Registration is free, and will be required to access the virtual zoom link. Please register by visiting or contact Jared Goplen at (320) 589-1711 x2128 or for more information.
• Monday, February 15 – 1-3 p.m. Southeastern Minnesota Focus
• Wednesday, February 17 – 4-6 p.m. Southwestern Minnesota Focus
• Friday, February 19 – 9-11 a.m. Central Minnesota Focus
Panelists will include Jochum Wiersma, University of Minnesota Extension Small Grain Specialist, Jared Goplen, University of Minnesota Extension Crops Educator, and Daniel Kaiser, University of Minnesota Extension Soil Fertility Specialist.
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