The Preston City Council at their October 16 meeting approved a request to hang red ribbons on light poles around the courthouse square in recognition of Red Ribbon Week, October 23-27.
The request was made by Amanda Thomas and Melissa Herron from the Fillmore Central Schools. This is a drug, alcohol, and tobacco prevention campaign. The campaign includes activities to help students become more aware of the effects of drugs and alcohol on the user and their families. Harmony will also be decorated with red ribbons.
Parking request
Linda Mathison, Fit Express, and Terri Allen, Terri’s Tender Lovin Stitches, requested a one or two-hour parking spot in front of their businesses. Mathison said it would help three businesses, including Active PT. She noted there are times when a vehicle is parked in front of the business all day.
Mayor Kurt Reicks noted they have been asked many times to allow special parking spots and we have turned them all down. If we allow one or two everyone will want one. He suggested it is best to communicate with tenants about places to park that will not impact the business. He added the requested parking spots would be difficult to enforce.
City Administrator Joe Hoffman said this issue has been discussed at length over the years.
Terri Allen suggested they allow one spot on each side of the square to be limited to one hour parking. Reicks repeated that it would be hard to enforce; law enforcement is not going to mark tires.
Mathison noted the handicapped parking spot that has been approved by the council is helpful, but not the best due to the hill. No action was taken on the request.
Other business in brief
• Neil and Linda Britton purchased a lot on the south end of Matthew St. from Robert and Sandy Benson. The parcel which did not have a home on it had a deferred assessment in the amount of $9,516.83 related to the Twenty-14 street and utility improvements. It was to be due upon sale of the property. Britton asked before the sale to have the assessment to be payable over 15 years. This was approved by the council. However, the payments didn’t start after the sale. The property will have to be reassessed to allow payment over 15 years. Hoffman suggested the simplest way to abide by statute is to go through the process again, if there is still a willingness to allow a payment over 15 years.
Hoffman said the assessment never appeared on the tax statement. He said Britton had contacted him about the assessment. An assessment hearing was set for November 6 at 6 p.m. for the Britton property regarding the Twenty-14 street and utility improvements.
• The city received a bill from Rochester Sign Service, Inc. in the amount of $6,498 for the aluminum frame and mounting of the mural. The bid submitted on April 4, 2016, from Rochester Sign for the project was $3,589. The bill was $2,909 over the estimate. Rochester Sign has said the aluminum frame alone, which was fabricated by Warmka Welding, cost about $3,200.
Councilman Robert Maust suggested they offer 10% more since there was no change order. A motion was approved to offer to pay 10% over the original bid of $3,589.
• Advertisement for a request for proposals for the 2018 official newspaper and attorney was approved.
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