By Drew Hatzenbihler
Solid Waste Administrator
With the cooler weather it means it’s time for another Fillmore County Hazardous Waste Collection. This year’s event is scheduled for Tuesday, October 5 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. While life is starting to look more like it did in 2019, things will still look a bit different at this year’s hazardous waste collection.
Guidelines for participation:
• We ask all participants to follow local public health and CDC guidance for masks and distancing.
• Please remain in your vehicle unless you are instructed to do otherwise.
• Please store hazardous materials in the trunk/rear of your vehicle for easy unloading.
• Please bring hazardous materials in containers you don’t want back, i.e. cardboard boxes.
• Our staff will unload your vehicle for you.
As always, we are expecting this event to be one of the busier events of the year. Please do not show up early for the event. Keep in mind that light bulbs, antifreeze, oil, and oil filters can be disposed of during normal hours year round. If these are the only materials you have please consider bringing them a different day. Light bulbs and oil filters also have a small fee for disposal. Bringing light bulbs and oil filters during our hazardous waste collection will require waiting in two separate lines to dispose of these materials and your other hazardous materials.
As always, we encourage residents to bring materials for family, friends, and neighbors within the county. Before accepting or asking someone to bring items for you please ensure that the materials will be accepted at the collection and are safe to transport (i.e. aren’t leaking). A list of acceptable materials can be found on the Fillmore County website under Departments > Landfill & Recycling > Household Hazardous Waste Collection or in the hazardous waste collection advertisement in this paper.
Once again, we are expecting a very high attendance at this event. Please expect to wait in line in your vehicle. We have had a very high volume of material the last few collections and can only process/sort the materials so fast. We expect this event to be busy, please be patient and know that we are working as fast as we can. As always, if you have any questions about hazardous waste, disposal of other wastes or recycling please call the Fillmore County Resource Recovery Center at (507) 765-4704.
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