There are going to be some changes in the recycling process beginning April 1, 2017, and these changes should make recycling here in Fillmore County even easier. We will continue with single stream recycling, as we do at the present time.
The recyclables that are brought to the recycling center here in Preston by individuals or waste haulers will be transported to La Crosse by Harter’s. The material will then be taken to Green Circle’s Facility where the recyclables will be separated and sent to various markets. The rural containers throughout the county will continue to be available as well.
The next few paragraphs will list what can now be recycled. Plastic soda bottles, milk jugs, shampoo bottles, contact solution bottles, detergent bottles, motor oil bottles that are drained, and ALL PLASTIC CONTAINERS WITH THE NUMBERS 1 THROUGH 7 inside the chasing arrows on the bottom. This includes all those Number 5 yogurt, margarine, and cottage cheese containers you have been waiting to get rid of. Yes, you read that correctly…. Number 5 plastic containers are now recyclable in Fillmore County.
Please note: Plastic wrap, polystyrene, Styrofoam, plastic film, bubble wrap, plastic grocery bags, and all forms of plastic garbage bags are NOT recyclable and should be landfilled. The grocery bags can certainly be taken back to a store that accepts them and sends them to a plastic recycler.
Cardboard and paper products that should be recycled are any type of corrugated boxes, cereal boxes with the waxy inside bag removed, soda boxes and beer cartons, mail and envelopes (plastic windows in envelopes are OK), bagged shredded paper, magazines and catalogs, phone books, pizza box covers that don’t contain food and oils, and paper egg cartons.
Any clear or colored jars and bottles are recyclable in Fillmore County.
All aluminum cans and tin/steel cans are certainly recyclable, as with clean pie plates and aluminum foil, wire coat hangers, empty aerosol cans, and metal pots and pans. Holiday lights as well as extension cords and power cords should be recycled.
THESE ITEMS ARE NOT TO BE RECYCLED IN FILLMORE COUNTY. This list is very similar to the list we have at the present time. These items should find their way into your landfill garbage container. Please do not contaminate your recyclables with garbage, food waste, paper plates, paper towels, paper napkins, ceramics, dishware, diapers, windows, mirrors, plastic wrap, packing peanuts, bubble wrap, wax boxes, photographs, medical waste, polystyrene, Styrofoam, hazardous chemical containers, plastic toys, sporting goods, foam egg cartons, wood, light bulbs, yard waste, and garden tools.
Please cut this article out of the paper and keep it near your recycling bin. As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me by e-mail at or call the Fillmore County Resource Recovery Center at (507) 765-4704 and leave a message for me.
Happy Recycling….. I think you are going to like these changes.
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