By Jeff Erding
Wykoff, MN
Are we a Judeo Christian Nation?
America was founded on Judeo/Christian principles. Period. This statement is absolutely true. The fact that the left has managed to eliminate Bible references and prayer in the public school system does nothing to change that reality.
The left is all about diversity and inclusion as long as it doesn’t include Christianity, which formed the foundation of the country and continued to be the basis for policy for almost 200 years, until leftists were able to “discover” that the founders were actually not Christians and actually intended to ban prayer and the Bible from public places, then convinced activist judges to go along with their radical ideology.
The result has been catastrophic, as anyone with a shred of common sense can affirm. Which unfortunately excludes leftist Democrat Socialists who now control our education system; witness the current demonstrations on hundreds of college campuses in support of the savage, murderous rampage recently conducted by Hamas in Israel and plummeting proficiency scores for basic educational skills.
Here follows the evidence to support the truth with quotes from the Founders.
Benjamin Rush: “The Bible… should be read in our schools in preference to all other books…”
Samuel Adams on the importance of “inculcating in the minds of youth the fear and love of the Deity… in short of leading them in the study and practice of the exalted virtues of the Christian system.”
Noah Webster: “No truth is more evident… The Christian Religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people.”
Supporting quotes from other individual founders exist by the dozens. How about Congress?
In 1782, Continental Congress approved the printing of bibles, specifically to be used in schools! The language of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 included this language; “Religion, morality, and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged.”
Famed French historian Alexis de Tocqueville traveled to America in 1832, wanting to see the remarkable new system of government firsthand. He was astonished by the unmistakable and inseparable marriage of religion and individual freedom that existed, and wrote extensively about it, stating, “there is no country in the world where the Christian Religion retains a greater influence over the souls of men than in America.” He found that, unlike in France, “the spirit of Freedom and the spirit of Religion march not in different directions,” but were “intimately united and that they reigned in common over the same country.”
I can already hear the lefty readers screeching. “What about the Separation of Church and State in the Constitution!” Look all you want folks. It’s not in there. Not in the Bill of Rights either. That’s a myth. Balderdash. Left wing baloney.
So what does it say? The First Amendment states: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” That’s it. Does that sound like no prayer in school to you?
For 200 years, Judeo Christian values were the foundational values of America and allowed without reservation in our educational system. Our most prestigious universities were established by Christians to propagate the values thereof. I firmly believe a return to that system would a tremendous step in the right direction. If you disagree, may I suggest a trip to one of the numerous institutions of “higher learning” that are producing students so deluded as to demonstrate and riot on behalf of entities that would instantly destroy every vestige of their freedom and murder many of them had they the opportunity to do so. And that dear friends, is an irrefutable Reality Check.
God Bless until next time, Jeff
Cody kid says
Thank you Jeff for speaking the truth. The left is by their own philosophy are truly supporting evil. I like yourself hope God gives them the wisdom to change. This country was founded on Judeo/ Christian principles and thrived. Why would anyone be offended by that?
Jeffrey Erding says
I hope so too, Greg. People need to see for themselves the twisted, evil logic that leftists like yourself subscribe to… a philosophy so sick it excuses the failed experiment of the destruction of the traditional family Unit.
The terrible damage inflicted by DIE, DIVERSITY, INCLUSION, EQUITY., a system that ignores merit and substitutes membership in some percived oppressed group to be promoted.
The astounding degradation in the quality of public education due to ,among other faliures, the rediculous policy of race based discipline.
Leftist policies are causing America to implode before our eyes. By all means double down by defending ideas and actions that are causing the demise of the best and greatest country that has ever existed. People need to see how sick you people really are. Thank you, carry on.
Donna Halvorsen says
Thank you, Greg Rendahl. Awful screed is right. Hatred, yes, to the max. The right hates anyone who isn’t like them and glorifies a man who wants to turn this country into a dictatorship. They seem to think gun ownership is more important than human life, not acknowledging that AR15s aren’t mentioned in the Constitution. They don’t care who is gunned down as long as they’re the right color. They dictate what kids learn in school, denying them access to the history that should be part of their learning. Jeff Erding, you’re not a scholar. You’re an ideologue who relishes spewing the hate that is making life so scary, so treacherous for normal, caring human beings.
Jeffrey Erding says
@ Ms. Halvorson. Interesting that you choose to resort to personal insults and attacks rather than engage in a substative discussion based on facts.
Specifically what errors can you point out in my commentary? Have I misquoted the Founders? Have I stated something that is not true? What misrepresentations have I made that justify criticism?
I am happy to have a discussion based on facts and reason… but invariably leftists avoid such discussions because they cannot prevail in fair and open debate.
An argument based on authority is very weak. If I have something wrong, tell me what and why.
I will gladly engage in debate with any leftist, confident in my ability to use facts and reason. But leftists always hide behind insults and demonization, just as you have done and as I suspect you will continue to do.
I encourage readers to pray for Ms. Halvorson, Mr. Rendahl, and all leftists, that God will touch their hearts and help them see that leftism is an evil philosophy that will inevitably destroy western civilization if allowed to prevail.
Thomas E. H. says
@ Jeff Erding/Haweye63
What a colourful article, Mr. Erding! Regarding this issue you raised in this piece, if you could wave a magic wand (figure of speech; I don’t believe in magic) and make something as you feel it should be, what would that look like, all in all? To you? To others who aren’t you?
Follow-up/Bonus question: Which Christian religion should be prioritized by the State?
Cody says
I don’t think anyone is forcing Christianity on you or others that aren’t you. Jeff was stating facts in regard to the birth of this nation.
How would the world look if I had that magic wand ? Hmm… Less violence, family unit intact, honest elections and politician’s, freedom from medical mandates, no more censorship, conviction of pedophiles ( including those who visited Epstein’s island) etc… in other words try to follow the Ten Commandments. No one can accomplish all of these other than Christ himself, but still this isn’t a bad set of rules, don’t you think?
Thomas E.H. says
@ Cody,
//I don’t think anyone is forcing Christianity on you or others that aren’t you. //
Try not being a Christian and you may start to notice a few things.
//Jeff was stating facts in regard to the birth of this nation.//
Jeff was selecting facts that support his perspective regarding the birth of this nation.
//in other words try to follow the Ten Commandments. No one can accomplish all of these other than Christ himself, but still this isn’t a bad set of rules, don’t you think?//
Yes, the first 4 Commandments are a terrible set of rules for people who don’t believe what you believe. Imagine living in a nation where you had to live by the rules of a religion that wasn’t your own.
Gerald J. Boyum says
Clint Eastwood:: “If you could reason with a Liberal, there wouldn’t be any!”
Greg Rendahl says
I hope the Journal will print my letter concerning this awful screed. The hatred expressed here and by others may well have led to the shooting of 3 young Palestinian students in Vermont.