At the regular Rushford-Peterson School Board meeting on March 17, Kelly Smith, R-P school social worker, and Lindsey Olson, elementary counselor, shared the curriculum they are using with the elementary students this year. Random Acts of Kindness is MTSS (multi-tiered systems of support) program.
Tier one includes all of the students schoolwide. Tier two is more targeted; the counselors work with about 20% of the school population in small groups. Tier three is more intensive with the counselors working individually with specific students.
The intent of the program is to “make kindness the norm.” A fun pepfest is held at the beginning of each unit to introduce the focus.
As part of a lesson on responsibility, the R-P fourth graders each “adopted” an egg. (Smith “cracked” that this was the most expensive lesson!) The students were instructed that the eggs could not be left alone for 24 hours except when the student was sleeping. If they needed to leave the egg, they had to get a “babysitter” just as a parent would for a child. Smith commented that she was interested to see how many eggs would remain uncracked after 24 hours!
Tier two small groups are using check-in; check-out with partners at school each day. A short, two-minute conversation at the end of the day about whether goals were met helps the students reflect on their day.
The counseling team is using a FastBridge component, SAEBRS (social, academic, emotional behavior risk screener) to evaluate students. Using mySAEBRS, students in grades 2-12 rate themselves in a short self-assessment as well.
Over 50 students in grades k-12 receive one-on-one time of 15–30 minutes with one of the four counselors who serve the building. Mrs. Bergo and Mrs. Helgemoe work with the MSHS students.
Smith and Olson shared that it had been a really good year. Dr. Bernard, superintendent, added that it had been a fun year for both teachers and students and noted that when it’s fun, students learn better.
Administrative Reports
Dr. Bernard reported that the school had added two students in the last month and several other students have expressed interest in attending R-P next year.
ATS&R has sent surveys to various stakeholders about future plans for the school to help with assessing future needs.
Bernard shared that the school has again been approved for a Solar for Schools project; the scope of the grant has been expanded this year with the opportunity for a larger grant.
Dr. Bernard also shared a new postings list for employees next year. Teaching positions include several elementary, MSHS business, SPED teachers, AD/ teacher on special assignment and Community Education Coordinator. Coaching positions include head football coach as well as assistant and JV volleyball coaches. Other positions include cook/kitchen helper, custodian, long-term MSHS paraprofessional and substitutes for all positions.
Elementary Principal Angela Shepard commented on the work of Kelly Smith and Lindsey Olson, enthusing, “They are both so welcoming! Students love working with them!”
Shepard shared that MCA testing will begin soon. Shepard is working to select a math curriculum for next year. Kindergarten registration has been rescheduled to April 10; about 45 students are expected to attend.
MSHS Principal Jake Timm informed the board that ACT testing will be the last week of March. On April 23 students will take their resumes along and attend the Houston County Job Fair. April 3 Rushford-Peterson will hold Dream Job; students will be able to attend three different sessions to listen to speakers about different careers. La Crescent and Houston students will also attend the event.
On April 22 all sophomores will travel to the University of Minnesota and St. Olaf College to see what those schools offer. April 30 the juniors will attend “Build My Future,” a CTE career fair in La Crosse. Timm noted that the intention is to have students see available options for their future education and jobs.
Business Conducted
Business conducted by the board included:
- Approving the 2025-2026 school year calendar;
- Approving new hires Evan Kammerer, JH baseball coach and Mitchell Buerkle and Matt Myszewski, assistant track coaches;
- Accepting the resignation of custodian Marcus Ziemer;
- Approving resolutions nonrenewing probationary teachers Kora Miller and Sophia Westcott;
- Accepting donations of $48 for FFA from Lewiston Feed & Produce and $2,871.79 from the R-P Mat Club for state wrestling expenses and Super Snap & Shoots, iPads and cases for the wrestling program.
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