Photo by Wanda Hanson
In a relatively short meeting July 19, 2021, the R-P School Board made necessary decisions prior to the start of the new school year. This included approving a new Athletic Training Outreach contract with Winona Health. The same trainer will be serving R-P schools again; students will be familiar and comfortable with the trainer as a result.
The long term facility maintenance 10-year plan was approved; the approval makes the school eligible to receive funding from the state. The revenue goes up yearly as the facilities age. Superintendent Jon Thompson shared with the board that he feels it is “really smart of the state” to distribute funding in this manner since the older school buildings receive more attention as a result. Thompson emphasized that the 10-year plan represents a best guess; it’s difficult to predict future enrollment. The biggest expense for the school is an agreement with Winona Heating and Ventilating; this could be discontinued in the future if necessary. The plan includes safety; updates to make the school more accessible for people with disabilities could be included for funding. Current projections show that the school will not run out of money. Funds not spent in a year can be rolled over to the next year.
Meal prices were approved with the adult meal price raised to $3.95, student breakfasts ranging from $1.55 to $1.60, and student lunches ranging from $2.35 to $2.45. All students will eat breakfast and lunch free again this year, but parents are still encouraged to fill out paperwork if their family would qualify for free and reduced meals otherwise. This information is used in determining other support funding.
Other beginning of the year items included the acceptance of milk and gasoline bids from Kemps and Pam’s respectively, approval of MSHL membership and the HVED agreement, and the hiring of Holly Ekern as head softball coach and Jenny Thompson as long term fourth grade teacher.
Superintendent Thompson reported that the state funding levels provided more of an increase than expected. While this will increase revenue, Thompson emphasized that “enrollment will still be the key” to the school’s revenue situation. When board member Matt Helgemoe asked if the school had had any dialogue with the families who had opted for homeschool, Thompson responded that the principals had contacted each family.
Two visitors commented after the meeting to Thompson that they had not been approached by the principal. Thompson replied, “That’s disheartening for me to hear.” The visitors asked for more information on how the public can receive information about the board meetings. They were told they could email the school for advance information about the board agenda. The board meetings are public for all to attend, but the public comment period is only for a limited time at the beginning of each meeting. This is done so the board can conduct their meeting in a timely fashion.
All citizens are welcome to attend the next meeting, which will be August 16 at 5:30 p.m. in the forum room.
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