The Rushford-Peterson School Board October 21 meeting was visited by many of the paraprofessionals employed by the district. Contract negotiations have been ongoing since February; the paras came to the meeting to publicly comment on the sticking points.
Before the public comment period was opened, board chair Chris Grindland reminded the meeting that the time was not intended for a dialogue. The board would listen to the speakers; then later discuss the messages with the appropriate people and answer the concerns later.
Tracy Gile, an elementary special education para with the district since 2014 and the union president, stated that the group was looking for a livable wage and benefits. She detailed the plethora of her duties as a para.
Brenda Thelen shared that she “truly loves her job,” but pointed out that the paras receive less money toward their health insurance than any other district employee. The paras receive $680 which is $245 less than others. They also do not receive any compensation if they do not take the insurance.
Michelle Wick, a 20 year school employee, totally runs the school library, ordering books, running story time and classes for k-8, purchasing and prepping books, running the school book fairs, and also supervises a lunch hour. She stated that she needs equitable insurance and noted that she makes less than $20.00 an hour.
Shelly Malone explained her duties as a title one para, a summer school employee and a SPED para since 2007. She went on to say she was also “a consoler, a cheerleader and a listener.” She too commented that she loved her job, but is asking for a fair wage.
Molly Wieser pointed out that being a para is not just helping with academics, but also building relationships with the students. She was recently assigned to the elementary SPED department, but still has high school students dropping by to connect with her.
Holly Ekern detailed her work of taking care of the MARS information, enrolling new students, managing the staff storeroom, overseeing the health and eligibility of student athletes and more.
Tina Brevig, a food service worker at the school shared the wages of paras at other local schools before telling the board that her own salary was just $1.55 above the poverty wage. She stated, “I can’t afford to take the insurance!”
Kelly Smith, school social worker, spoke in support of the paras, saying how much she values them. She commented, “If teachers are the backbone of the school, the support staff are the hearts and hands. This staff is directly addressing the needs of the students in our schools.”`
Robert Wick, a community member his whole life, commented, “We as a community need to support the support staff. Are we discriminating against this group? Is this fair? It’s so much out of their reach; they can’t afford to take the insurance.” He handed out specific data to the board to support his statements, and closed by saying, “You need to relook at the budget; I think we can do better.”
Audit Report
Jason Boynton of Smith Schafer presented a summary of the 2023-2024 audit report. He reported an unmodified (or clean) audit with no compliance exceptions and no single audit needed. He reported an increase in state aid this year with a total of $12,875,980. More money was received due to the state funded food program and an increase in SPED funding.
The General Fund showed a $98,000 excess for the year; a transfer of $102,279 was later done from the general fund to community education. This is done each year to support the early childhood education and child care run through community education.
The food service budget showed a $327,000 excess for the year due to the state funding of meals. Ken Sawle again commented that he’s concerned about the excess and wants to know how to utilize that money. Boynton assured him that most schools are the same.
Other Business
In other business, the board:
- Accepted the resignation of Elizabeth Landherr and the hire of Jodi Monerson as elementary music and K-12 EL teacher;
- Adopted a resolution for combined polling places for 2025 for any school board election held at a time not during regular elections;
- Chose to go with Jim Atkinson for contracted snow removal;
- Heard that student enrollment is up 23 students from last year at this time;
- Accepted donations totaling $10,214;
- Approved fundraisers for the year and authorized Superintendent Bernard to approve additional fundraisers as he sees fit.
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