Photo by Wanda Hanson
The Rushford-Peterson School Board approved an early retirement incentive for teachers at its regular meeting on January 24 in a six to one vote. Chris Grindland opposed the incentive asking the question, “Is it an incentive if we do it every year or does it become just another retirement benefit?”
Superintendent Jon Thompson responded, “There’s no guarantee that it’ll be for more than one year.” Thompson continued, “I believe it’s an incentive – our finances could use some help. My recommendation is that we put it in place now because the need is there now.”
He shared that one teacher is “possibly” considering it. The incentive offers two years of health insurance coverage to early retirees who are 55 or over and have taught at least 15 years. The coverage is valued at $10,926.96 for each year. Requests to take advantage of this incentive must be submitted by February 18, 2022.
Amy Woxland reported to the board about two possibilities for school board development. An individual who had worked with the Triton board offered two options: an eight-hour full-day session for $4,000 or a four- or five-year offering at a reduced price. MSBA offers a two- to three-hour board session for $1,295. The purpose would be to work with the board to help them work better together as a board. Joyce Iverson requested a description in writing from both sources.
An audience member spoke up to compliment the board on how well they work together already, adding he didn’t feel the board needed to spend money on it.
Woxland offered to gather more information on the offerings and report back. Jeff Michel and Matt Helgemoe both said they felt the board was working together quite well and felt with the current money crunch right now they should pass on such a session. Grindland suggested they keep the idea on “the back burner” for now.
During the public comment period, Preston Mensink reminded the board of an earlier student request that the school doors be opened earlier; Mensink went on to also ask that the school doors be opened earlier than 8 a.m., especially during the current cold snap. Mensink pointed out that some parents cannot wait around until 8 a.m. with their children. He noted that students whose parents work at R-P are allowed to go in at the same time as their parents and that athletes are allowed in early to work out. Mensink asked for fair treatment for all the students.
Thompson responded that during the earlier cold snap students were let in earlier. He assured Mensink that the topic would be revisited the next day and that doors would be opened early on days with weather advisories and warnings.
Other business
In other business the board:
• Authorized Superintendent Thompson to go out for proposals for copiers and managed print services;
• Approved the school calendar for 2022-2023 with the school year ending on June 1, 2023;
• Placed the policy on the OSHA COVID-19 emergency temporary standard on the agenda for February;
• Approved a 2.5% salary increase for Lisa Lawston from July 1, 2021, to September 28, 2022, when she left the district;
• Received free courtesy passes for board members and their plus one which are good for all games; this was done to thank them for their service on the board;
• Heard from Elementary Principal Angela Shepard that the elementary recently welcomed 12 new students.
The next R-P School Board meeting will be February 28, in the forum room at 6 p.m.; the public is welcome to attend. Note this is a week later than usual because of Presidents’ Day. The time has been changed to 6 p.m. this year after public requests for a later time.
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